The Beastie

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Revision as of 02:32, 14 June 2011 by Brad (Talk | contribs)

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The Beastie was Alton Towers' classic example of a well themed ride. It was themed around a rough Pinfari in a big red metal cage, and the theme is pulled off to perfection, as you really do feel like you're riding a rough Pinfari in a big red metal cage.

It is believed that Drayton Manor's G-Force was their answer to The Beastie, they succeeded in making the ride more painful, and also managed to reduce the throughput to 22 persons per hour.

In what was possibly the worst-kept secret with the Alton Towers staff, The Beastie closed at the end of the 2010 season, and is set to be replaced by either another set of H&B game stalls or tarmac.

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