Come Ride With Me

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To make Come Ride With Me, the TTF's cameras have been given unprecedented access to one of Britain's busiest Theme Park Resorts. For months, the producers have followed anyone and everyone to produce this portrait of life at the cutting edge of the UK Theme Park Industry. From entrance plaza ticket staff to ride hosts, from theme park border control to crazy theme park fans, and from low-cost theme park owners to their customers, all human life is here!


Precious Little

Deep in the heart of Katanga Canyon, Precious Little is operating the Runaway Mine Train.

  • "Sit back, hold tight, PRAAIISE THE LORD!"

However today, the ride has had to close early.

  • "Evil things have happened, got distracted me from putting the bolts inbetween the cars, an tragically the train has snapped in the tunnell. The Lord works in mysterrriouss waayyys! But God, in all his almighty wisdom, has allowed me to spend the rest of the day getting a hand manicure from the shrimps in Sharkbait Reef. PRAAIISE THE LORD!"

Peter and Judith

At Guest Services, guests Peter and Judith have been queuing to make a complaint.

  • Judith: "We have had the THEME PARK VISIT from HELL. It all started when we missed the turning for Thorpe Park and ended up at Alton Towers. Oh hum we thought, lets make the best of a terrible situation."
  • Peter: "We were walking up the Oblivion que-"
  • Judith: "I'll take it from here Peter. We were walking up the Oblivion queue when some ride host pulled the chain over the queue line to let single riders past. Never mind I thought, until I noticed that in doing so she had sliced Peter in two. Not one to complain I made Peter drag his bottom half up to the station."
  • Peter: "Blood was spirting everywh-"
  • Judith "Yes, thank you Peter. Honestly, I can't get a word in edgeways!"
  • Peter: "Sorry Judith"
  • Judith: "Quite so! Blood was spirting everywhere and it was a terrible mess, then to make matters worse, Peter was too short to ride, and we were shown the exit. We have had the THEME PARK TRIP from HELL! We should have went to Thorpe Park"
  • Peter: "If I had to sum this day up, I'd say, disapointing"

Simon and Jackie

Simon and Jackie Trent, are one of Alton Towers only married couple ride operators. Four years ago Simon had an affair, and the couple heading through a stormy time.

  • Simon: "Call ten single riders please"
  • Jackie: "Ten single ri-"
  • Simon: "Check restraints"
  • Jackie: "I haven't finish calling the riders yet. Can we do one thing at a time please?!"

Today, Jackie has spotted something unusual on the Team Air list:

  • Jackie: "She's here. The ride host Simon had the affair with. There she is over there. She's been sent over from Team Oblivion to cover today. "Assume The Position", that's just what she said to Simon. Right before he droped into her hole. She doesn't know me, but I know her. Of course I'm not going to stoop to that level. I've moved on"

(In control room)

  • Simon: "I'm just nipping to the loo"
  • Jackie "Well if you're both going in the tunnel stay out of the guests sight, and clean you mess afterwards. The mops are in there."
  • Simon: "Eh?"
  • Jackie: "DON'T THINK I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP TO! You and her! In the tunnel! Screwing each other again!"
  • Simon: "That was a long time ago!"
  • Jackie: "Don't get snappy at me! I'm not the one who had the affair, now sit down and be quiet."


  • Jackie: "If you want tonight I'll order us a takeaway for tea"
  • Simon: "... Yeah..."

Taaj Manzoor

Taaj is one of Alton Towers's cleaning staff, however his real ambition in life is to become a ride designer.

"OK, me most favouritist rides ever, in reversological order are Nemesis, Th13teen, Air, Th13teen after dark, The Beastie, SW6, Submission, Oblivion, Fourteen, Rita and me favouritist ride of all time is SW7, I mean know its not made yet but is gonna be the best ride ever, isn't it?"