TowersTimes Members Awards

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TowersTimes Members Awards

The TowersTimes award season is a mad time of year, there are endless pre award parties thrown by people trying to buy votes. It is common for lots of "gifts" to be sent to members for no reason apart from the sender is a really nice guy, it has nothing to do with the upcoming voting.

The awards normally takes place during closed season to help pass some of the long cold roller coaster free days that all enthusiasts have to endure.

The awards are run in a fun way to get members to look back at the past year and think about all the good and bad things that have appeared on the forum. Its also a good excuse to rewards members with a cheque for £5000 shiny new signature for winning such a highly sort after award. It helps keep moral high as there is nothing TTF like more than judging commending people for all their hard work, high quality posting, total spamming of the forum or just being hot!

an example of a high quality award signature from 2010

History of the awards

The first awards were started in 2001/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10 (delete as applicable). It was a great idea someone came up with which sounded like a bit of fun and it proved to be popular with the members.

It seems that due to a slight admin oversight fail most previous award details have been lost down the back of the TTF Chat sofa and have not been seen since.

The 2010 categories up for grabs and who won were:

Best Alton Towers related Topic

In 3rd place is Standardized Queue Time Displays 2 Nominations

In 2nd place is Sw6 Discussion 3 Nominations

In 1st place is you Know you're addicted to Alton Towers (and TTF) when.. Started by Blaze and also Th13teen Ride Discussion, started by Craig

Both receiving at total of 5 nominations each.

Deserved winners, but those which fell by the wayside were some great topics such as The Mysterious Stuff of Alton Towers which had some great potential.

Best Non Alton Towers related Topic

In 3rd place is UK parks are AWFUL 3

In 2nd place is Student Fees Demonstration 4

In 1st place is 101 things we love about Rowe started by Sasquatch Total 5 nominations.

A very close result, but just outside of the runners up was the Pecs topic.

Funniest Topic of the Year

In 3rd place is A quality Game to Play 2

In 2nd place is Scenes we'd like to See 3

In 1st place is You Know hen you're addicted to Alton Towers (and TTF) when.. started by Blaze and receiving 6 nominations.

Fail Topic of the Year

3rd Place is Wraiths Do Everyday Lower - Class Things 2

2nd place is 101 things we hate about Kryn! 4

1st place is Shrek attraction for 2011? started by Craig, receiving 6 nominations.

Just missing out a place in the top 3 was the infamous topic Front seat Queues

Best WIKI Article

In 2nd place are The Air & Hex articles both receiving 2 nominations each

In 1st place is Wardley's Jacket submitted by Rowe, which received 7 nominations.

Some excellent articles were also nominated, such as the Ultimate article, but alas not enough to make it even to a runners up spot.

Best RCT/No Limits creation

3rd place is Blithering Lodge 4

2nd place is East Country Park 5

1st place is Gruntpuddle Park, by Diogo, receiving 6 nominations.

A very tough category, with the likes of Imaginer Johns Th13teen recreation just missing out on the runners up spots.

Best Contributor

3rd Joel 4

=2nd Chris ElectricBill 5

  • Winner*

1st Diogo 6

A very close run thing, congratulations to Diogo for winning.

Best Poster

3rd Sam 4

2nd Diogo 5

  • Winner*

1st Dormiens dave 6

Another close result, and a deserved winner. Chris & Astrodan narrowly missing out on a runners up spot.

Worst Poster

3rd Ritadz 2

2nd Harveybutterfield 3

  • Winner*

1st Richdirk123 6

Months after being given his marching orders, we still have some fond memories of Richdirk123

Best Topic Starter

2nd Astrodan 10

  • Winner*

1st Sam 15

A convincing 1st place by Sam, only one runner up with there being so many people on 1 or 2 nominations each.

Worst Topic Starter

3rd D4n 2

2nd HarveyButterfield 3

  • Winner*

1st Sam 6

Oddly enough, Sam managed to beat off competition from Harveybutterfield to steal the crown of Worst Poster as well as Best Poster. Surely an achievement in itself.

Best New Member

3rd Jordan 5

2nd Jolieo 8

  • Winner*

1st Nora 12

We've had some fantastic new members on TTF over the last 12-18 months. Just missing out on those runners up places were Michael & badgy amongst others.

Geekiest Member

3rd Cheese 4

2nd Astrodan 5

  • Winner*

1st John 9

Without a doubt a deserved winner of this award, we are sure john will relish it. Some very tough competition though, and Sam just missed out on a runners up place there.

Funniest Member

=3rd Astrodan Gloomydude 3

2nd Joel 4

  • Winner*

1st Diogo 6

Plenty of different nominations for this, and congratulations to Diogo on bagging another award.

Most serious member

3rd John 4

2nd BrettS 5

  • Winner*

1st Sam 6

Serious Sam eh :!: , commiserations to both John and BrettS who just missed out on this prestigious award.

Most helpful member

3rd Vik 5

2nd Astrodan 6

  • Winner*

1st Chris 7

Another close run category, with Dean missing out on a runners up spot.

Most irritating Member

2nd Kryn 3

  • Winner*

1st D4N ...BrettS 5

Two winners here, with both BrettS & D4N receiving 5 nominations each. A much sought after award, which was last won by John(Duckman) back in 2007.

Spammer of the Year

2nd Harveybutterfield 2

  • Winner*

Kryn 6

Trouncing Harveybutterfield, Kryn comes out victorious as being Spammer of the Year

Hottest Member of the year

3rd Sazzle 3

2nd Kaycee 5

  • Winner*

1st Benedique 6

Just narrowly missing out on a runners up spot was Chris, being pipped at the post by Sazzle. So no males in hottest member of the year top 3.

Poser of the Year

=3rd Sam ...Kaycee 3

2nd Hark 4

  • Winner*

1st Rowe 9

Great win by Rowe, commiserations to Hark who couldn't quite cut it here.

Biggest Lift Scab

=3rd Rob ...Sam 3

2nd Diogo 4

  • Winner*

1st Hark 7

But Hark redeems himself by bagging the biggest lift scab of 2010, leaving Diogo and Sam looking like pretenders for the title. Better try harder next year chaps.  :wink:

Best Lift giver

3rd MattMash 3

2nd Stu 5

  • Winner*

1st Vik 7

Just missing out on those all important runners up places were DanB , Russell & Cheese.

Catchphrase of the year

3rd Failteen 2

2nd WOW, look at those... 4

  • Winner*

1st Billy Billy!, started by the legendry Astrodan 9

A convincing win for Astrodan and his Billy! Billy! catchphrase.

Faff Magnet

3rd PopTART 3

2nd Astrodan 7

  • Winner*

1st Rob 9

Congratulations to Rob for just pipping Astrodan for being the biggest general faffer. Also well done to PopTART, who hasn't attended many meets this year, but still a runner up with 3 nominations.

The Anthony Speers Award for Best Dressed =2nd Simon ...tidy_martin 2

  • Winner*

1st Judy-Poody 8

Congratulations to Jude, you now are officially the best dressed person on TTF. Well deserved.

Funniest Moment of the Year

2nd The canine adventures of Sam 2

  • Winner*

=1st YMCA on the ULTIMATE ..Notts Natts slide exit at Europa Park 3 each

Joint first with YMCA on the Ultimate and Notts Natts epic slide exit at Europa. Though as the award can only go to an individual, then Notts Natt scoops this award.

Biggest Fail moment

2nd Th13teen opening day stampede 2

  • Winner*

1st Dislocate Gate, featuring Alex & Nora 12

What can we say, the winner by a convincing margin was Dislocate Gate. The incident where poor Alex was violently abused by Nora (Ellie), and resulted in a trip to A&E. Alex has been traumatised ever since and has needed counselling to overcome his fear on Ellie. Both Alex and Nora will both receive the award for this category.

Biggest Shop Faffer

3rd Russell 2

2nd Astrodan 4

  • Winner*

1st Rob 14

Rob comes out top again in a Faff category. If it's not buying an On Ride Photo, it's stopping to buy some snacks and merch. Well done Rob, we hope you savour this award for years to come.

Campest member 3rd Sam 4

2nd SAM93 7

  • Winner*

1st tidy_martin 9

Fighting off some hardy competition from SAM93, tidy_martin manages to bag Campest Member of the year. Stu just missing out on a runners up spot, along with PopTART.

Most violent member

3rd Hark 2

2nd Astrodan 3

  • Winner*

1st Nora 20

2011 Awards

Best Alton Towers related Topic:

Winner: 2011 The Honest Truth by Astrodan

AstroDans fantastic exposition on one of the parks most disappointing seasons, this topic gained a staggering 70% of the vote!

2nd Place: SW7 (we had lots of votes for SW7 without specifying which exact topic they liked (there being 2) so we bunched these together).

3rd Place: Joint 3rd place goes to "2012 Enthusiast Wish list" and "Nemesis: Sub Terra"

Best Non Alton Towers related Topic:

Winner: Thorpe Park 2012: The Swarm by jmdarsenal

The most exciting rollercoaster development in the UK for many years, the Swarm topic is a worthy winner

2nd Place: EuropaPark 2012 (lots of future woody talk in your very own "EPTimes")

3rd Place: EuropaPark 2011 (EP strikes again as the reviews of the 2011 season came in)

Funniest Topic of the Year:

Winner: Hitler finds out about Shaun Sanbrooke by Sam

Our favourite coaster enthusiast was the topic of conversation when Hitler finds out something shocking about our good friend.

2nd Place: “-“ The topic that is simple in title and deed came a deserving second

3rd Place: Scumbag TT

Interestingly the topic that gained the most votes behind the winner was TT Flowchart by oldgitBEN HOWEVER unfortunately as this topic was created in 2012 it was not valid as a winner.

Fail Topic of the Year:

Winner: 101 Reasons Why We Love ATJoseph by ATJoseph

Here we have the standout fail topic from ATJoseph, don’t think we ever got to 101 but at least he tries.

2nd Place: Alton Towers 2011: Shrek 4D (well TT was ready for Shrek but Towers wasn’t as this project was dropped leaving us with nothing to talk about)

3rd Place: 101 Things we Hate About D4n (we really don’t)

Best RCT/ No-Limits creation:

Winner: Fissure Lake by Nightfall

Our most talked about RCT/NL topic was the incredibly detailed FissureLake by long standing contributor Nightfall.

Joint 2nd & 3rd Place: LC12-The Swarm by Fredward and Rivervale Park by Bote take joint 2nd Place

Best Wiki Page of the year:

Winner – TTF Chat Well why wouldn’t the banter of TTF Chat make a good wiki

2nd Place: Acceptable Wetness

3rd Place: “RMT Ring”, “ThemeParkMugs Database” & “Faff” take joint third place.

2011 Forum Awards

Best Contributor:

Winner: AstroDan

He is the man with the golden keyboard, his contributions to the forum are legendary and he is still as active as ever! Well done Dan

2nd Place: James

3rd Place: Nightfall

Best Poster:

Winner: Dormiens-Dave Why Thankyou

2nd Place: AstoDan

3rd: Shared with James and Sam

Worst Poster:

Winner: ATJoseph

Our very own ATJoseph has swept the board with the votes for Worst Poster, however some of our previous worst posters have gone on to do amazing things

2nd place: Blaze

3rd Place: Shared between TowersJake, Sam and SpinballEdders

Best Topic Starter:

Winner: Sam

Sam has decisively been crowned best topic starter of 2011, whether he is enthusing over a new coaster or fighting the causes of downloading music Sam certainly knows how to get a discussion going.

2nd Place: AstroDan

3rd Place: DormiensDave

Worst Topic Starter:

Winner: ATJoseph

ATJoseph strikes again as he takes the glory of some of the worst topics ever started, with the worst Topic award already in the bag this was alost certainly a foregone conclusion.

2nd Place: NemmieChick

3rd Place: Damos1

Best New Member:

Winner: mrbrightside

Obviously new members are the lifeblood of the forum and its great to be able to offer the award of “Best New Member” to mrbrightside, who has seamlessly fitted into the madness of TowersTimes Forum.

2nd Place: Is shared by the Alton Towers “Resort Director” dsteel (something to brag about in the office) as well as Stelios7.

3rd Place: Georgiaa

The John Wardley Appreciation Society Geekiest Member of the Year Award:

Winner: John (not wardley)

The geek amongst geeks…. The lord of the enthusiasts is this year non other than John. Never happier than when he is calculating throughputs at breakneck speed (which is often more than can be said for the throughputs) An inspiration to us all!

2nd Place: Cheese

3rd Place: Nightfall

Funniest Member:

Winner: Joelio

Our new class clown for 2011 is Joelio, this lad from ‘Ull often x-rated humour has charmed the membership of TTF and he deservedly takes away his membership into the comedy hall of fame.

2nd Place: DiogoJ42

3rd Place: D4n

Most serious member:

Winner: Islander

Islander though our most serious member is not a bore and indeed has become a firm favourite amongst the madness of the TTF meets. At Europa-Park on New Years Eve, Islander famously answered every question correctly and his lightning wit refered to "Blue Fire: What Lies Beneath" when in the maintenance garage and challenged by one of the parks senior managers. However his cool serious nature has bagged him this most coveted of awards.

2nd Place: Blaze

3rd Place: Sam

Most helpful member:

Winner: Chris

Our knight in shining armour this year is Chris, if you need some help or support Chris will be there in his cape and spandex (don’t ask)

2nd Place: AstroDan

3rd Place: Islander

Spammer of the Year:

Winner: ATJoseph

What more is there to say, he is storming away with the awards this year

2nd Place: NemmieChick

3rd Place: ATJakee

Hottest Male Member of the year:

Winner: Shared by Bote and Chris The spread of votes in this award was large with 25 guys nominated, but with 4 votes each Bote and Chris get to strut away with this award

2nd Place: Shared by Joel & Russell

3rd Place: everyone else nominated

Hottest Female Member of the year:

Winner: Benedique

She may think Scampi are fish but hey when you look like she does who cares… The probably future Mrs Bates has taken the Ms TTF 2011 Crown

2nd Place: Saz

3rd Place: Ellie Bird

Poser of the Year:

Winner: Magrathea/ Jane

People seemed to find Magrathea’s alter-ego Jane quite the poser last year. Either way he looks damn good as a woman.

2nd Place: John Wan & Sam share

3rd Place: Ellie Bird

Cutest Couple:

Winner: Rowe and Cheese

They have melted our hearts with their romantic ways, Rowe and Cheese are the TTF couple of the year, and long may they continue.

2nd Place: Satch and Simon (Who's heart doesn’t melt when they see these two together)

3rd Place: Dar and Josh (another beautiful couple who seem made for each other)

2011 Meet-up Awards

Lift Scab

Winner: Jordan Get a car!

Yes our Jordan depends on his good friends to get him from A to B. But we don’t mind as the more the merrier.

2nd Place: Joelio

3rd Place: Magrathea and Sam share

The Peugeot 206 Driving School Lift Giver Award

Winner: Vik & AstroDan

share this award Yes these two work tirelessly ferrying members from themeparks to train stations to ensure everyone who wants to make a meet can do so. So to them and their mighty vehicles… we salute you.

2nd Place: Mattmash and Stu share 2nd place

3rd Place: Dean

Catchphrase of the year

Winner: “Forwards not Sideways” & “WTF…(generic resort themepark related name here) WTF”

Yes these two well worn catchphrases have stolen the hearts of TTF meet members this year. To avoid litigation we cannot fully share the joys of the second winner but come on a meet and I’m sure you will find out more. And to know the reasons behind the popularity see our Best Topic winner.

2nd Place: LINDA

3rd Place: The Ultimate [insert name here] Every [insert name here] You have ever dreamed of in one!

The Simon and Satch Faff Magnet Award

Winner: Rob

Yes Rob has won the biggest faff magnet for the second year running. If he isn’t buying ride photos or merchandise he is taking photos or lingering at the back. Yes Rob steals more minutes of the day than anyone else yet we still love him.

2nd Place: AstroDan

3rd Place: Sam93

The Gok Wan Best Dressed Award

Winner: Jude

Her style is unique yet she stuns the TTF catwalk all the time with her perfect poise and well turned heal as she struts her stuff showing off the fashions that make her the most presentable member.

2nd Place: Dave (Whitehurst) Well he works for a clothes shop and wears gay boots… of course he comes second.

3rd Place: Magrathea (again we think this is based on Jane)

Best Scarefest Costume

Winner: Russell

His hunchbacked creation was the talk of scarefest in 2011. It took him 4 hours to put on and he looked a sensation. A very deserved winner.

2nd Place: Rob (I’m a tree)

3rd Place: Magrathea and Jude came joint 3rd

Funniest Moment

Winner: James Paulding and the Bourbon

The origins of the Glourious Bourbons and pink wafers that maintain the nutritional needs of the higher powers of Alton Towers are maybe a distant memory but the presentation of a Bourbon to Mr Pauding was deemed TTF’s funniest moment of 2011… not sure he got the joke though.

2nd Place: There are lots… Nemesis Clapping - Last Day, “R Mel”, “John, What are your opinions on Storm Surge”, Frau Holle

No Third place as there where too many second place nominees

Best New Meet Member (Sponsored by Deans Meet-up Hotline)

Winner: Joelio

The funny man strikes again as he made the biggest impression on TTF meet members in 2011. This maybe goes someway in explaining why a TTF meet would make a good study for any sociology professor.

2nd Place: Magrathea

3rd Place: djtruefitt.

Lateness Award

Winner: Sam93

So…. You know when you decide to pull an all-night drinking session the night before the scarefest meet… And it gets to 5am and you’re being picked up by Dormiens-Dave (that rather helpful and dare I say sexy team member) at 6am…. But you decide “its okay… I will have a little nap”… and then aforementioned handsome team member sits outside of your halls of residence for an HOUR trying to ring your SWITCHED OFF MOBILE PHONE!!!! Until he gives up and carried on to the rather fantastic Scarefest meet… therefore you end up having to get 2 trains and a bus there instead….. you just know your going to get a lot of stick and the 2011 Lateness Award….. Bravo

2nd Place: Joel and Ian

3rd Place: AstroDan & Mike

Biggest Ride Whore

Winner: DiogoJ42

He loves his ride…. Ohh yes he does. Diogo wins the coverted Ride Whore award. Which he can treasure and dream of during those times stood in the single rider queue

2nd Place: John

3rd Place: Dean

TTF Gold Awards 2011

The first (hopefully) annual TTF Gold awards are designed to recognise those members who have made a significant contribution to the forum and meets. Obviously many people have made TTF what it is over the last 10 years and the decision process wasn’t easy. The only stipulation on nominations was that the member had been with TTF for a significant amount of time and the member was still active on either the forums or meets. This year we have awarded 5 Gold awards

So the winners are.....

Satch A TowersTimes veteran (although shhh he'll get tetchy over his age), Satch has been around on both forum and meets for a number of years. Always willing to dive into topics with some brilliant discussion points, the place wouldn't quite feel the same without him!

Dan B Normally Always found with a camera in tow, DanB is perhaps more well known for his attendance on meetups rather than the forum. However, behind the scenes he's helped out countless times with photos for the site, particularly during the recent archive trip. Always willing to help meetup newbies along, his contribution over the years is long overdue some recognition!

Saz Another TowersTimes veteran, Sazzle has been around as a member since this place was but a glint in many people's eyes. Constantly attending meetups (we can't get rid of her!), she's normally found shouting the current season's random catchphrases!

Sam No stranger to controversy, Sam is however a passionate member of TTF engaging in every debate going. Whether you agree or not you cannot help but admire the fire he has in his heart for the causes he cares about (Bubbleworks is really better than Valhalla). He is also a regular attender to TTF meets and entertains and amuses us all with his thoughts on themepark, life and everything.

Nightfall A long time poster and one of the most respected members on the forum, his posts are well constructed, fantastically thought-out and always helping to engage and move the debate. He is friendly to members both old and new as well as a generally nice person to debate with.


Congratulations to our winners and runners-up, all winners will recieve their "winners signature" in the next few days and the ranks will be adjusted as soon as possible... Until next year