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The Basic ShoutBox
The ShoutBox (also known as the ShoutingBox, the WhingeBox or The Gutter of TST) is essentially a watered down version of TST Chat located at the bottom of the index page. Although it may be smaller, the ShoutBox retains most of the spam and slaughter that can be found in Chat.

It takes the member around six months after their date of registration to realise that the ShoutBox exists. After discovering it, many noobs mistake the box for a place of sensible discussion, usually about football. This is, as they will quickly learn, not the case. And on a very regular, annoying basis conversations are made within the ShoutBox that end up being incredibly specific between the people talking, thus kicking out anybody else from the ShoutBox.

Typically a Mod/Admin will come along and kick the posts out, leaving many a irate members who should really invest in using MSN or AIM, whatever the last one is.

Mildly Humorous Quotations

  • DiogoJ42 » Hmmm... "Brain-Munching Space Worms" sounds like a good name for a band.
  • Sat 17:01 MegaJib » There are more important things in existence than football.
  • Mon 13:31 UnleashedLlama » Some thing in life will always remain a mystery to me: how travelling at near the speed of light would cause time travel; how to find lasting peace in the Middle East and how anyone can enjoy watching golf.
  • Mon 21:25 Air Dan » "I want Joelio, I want him now" - Amanda
  • Thu 18:11 electricBlll » Oh, yeah... Shoot me, Dan... Shoot me with your blaster... yeah... but... only when... the safety bar has... ...lowered...
  • Fri 23:34 Islander » Lol, you're always so quick to visibly distance yourself from even the slightest sign of trouble, almost as if the other mods will sense blood and attack their own species @ Chris
  • Tue 17:32 towersworker123 » Air Dan, you know the funny thing is.. I manual stimulation over rollercoastersss...
  • Tue 20:36 electricBlll » I am printing out a Morwonga mask to compliment my John Wardley one, ready for the JWS music video! Emphasised pelvic thrusting outside Nemesis here I come!
  • Sun 18:33 Sam » Gay sex is like Nemesis... the limitations mean you have to be more creative
  • Sun 18:41 Sam » Gay sex is like Air... nothing is gonna happen until you assume the position
  • Sun 18:38 Sam » Gay sex is like Oblivion... if it fails before you enter the deep hole then you're doing it wrong
  • Wed 14:11 RajibSarahaji » Procrastination:The Ride is at Alton Towers? I do not think I know. Where can I ride this?
  • Mon 12:27 D4n » I find some dogs very attractive, and wish to make love to a labroudor.
  • Sat 14:38 ATJoseph » Really? Good now im okay no one will stalk me on TTF exeppt Diogioj42 he stalks everyone!! He He
  • Blaze [10:39 pm]: Saying what I did before, I'm now half tempted to go to out in Liverpool in drag next time I have a night out.
  • Josh [01:10 am]: Ellie, get off the shout box and get into my bed....
  • Ellie [01:18 am]: No he isn't, unless he wants a blood red cock. /Disgusting
  • Blaze [06:02 pm]: Why do we even have teachers anyway? What is this lefty 'education' crap? Time wasted that could be spent down t'pit.
  • [12:20 am]: Poison Tom 96 bludgeons TheMan with a small baby

Crowning Moment Of Awesome Quotations

  • Sun 17:48 Chris » To Everyone: I have just got an email from Roland Mack. "TT, Even though I’m far away, I am thinking about you. I can’t wait to see you again. Love Roland."

This quotation is currently under debate, due to an Admin sending it to the team and it being possibly false. Still, it's awesome!

ShoutBox Gallery (Sponsered by Fools U Know)

The best example of abuse towards the ShoutBox
No need for a explanation here
There are two fails in this photo. Can you spot them?