Odds and Ends

Looking for a ride from the past that doesn't belong in any of the areas we currently cover? Then Odd and Ends is the place to look...

Odds and Ends

Alton Towers has a massive amount of history stretching back over the past 35 years and beyond.

Whilst we're always adding new content to the site there are still areas we've yet to feature in our history section. Odds and Ends is where we store information about rides that we have dedicated pages for whose area we have not yet covered on the site.

We're always adding new information regarding past attractions and areas of the park, so if you have any information of pictures you think might be of use to use please get in touch. We'd love to hear from you!

Lost an attraction? If you're looking for an attraction that used to be on this page but now has vanished try checking the main Past Rides' page, we may now have covered its area and relocated the attraction there.

Please check back regularly, as over the coming months it is our aim to cover all the past areas and rides of the park.

Area Facts

Area Rides

Area Attractions