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2018: General Discussion

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Probably better not getting it than going through all the missing attractions!

I’ve not had an activity pack at any of the other hotels either for quite some time. Shame as I remember looking for the secret draw in ATH rooms when I was a kid
Ahh yes the secret drawer in the room containing an activity pack. I recall when the hotels first opened you had a decent Alton Towers string draw bag containing postcards, money off vouchers booklet, colouring books and pens, and so on. That was when staying in the hotel really did feel exclusive!
So a really dumb question from a fan of Alton Towers and who has only been to the park once since 2016, why do people renew their passes, stay in their hotels when the entire resort is in such a dire state?

Nothing is going to change, we all know that deep in our hearts, so why continue to go? Merlin are about profit at the expense of visitor experience. Deep down we know that.

Don't like it, don't go... Hit them where it hurts !!!
Mate, I've been preaching that mantra to deaf ears for a good half decade.

The short answer is, "because: fanboys".

Matey, I need to buy you a drink when the park is owned by operators who actually value customer experience. Maybe that will be in many years time when the park is sold to an operator who holds profit on the same page as customer experience.

Deep down, as fans, we all know the park needs to make a profit, but does the current structure need to make such a profit that it's detrimental to how the park is?

As a loyal fan, I categorically state that I will not visit until something changes. I will tell people who ask me my opinion, not to bother going, to keep their money or go somewhere else.

i do not accept how the park is being run and because of that I refuse to give them any of my money. Yes, I am missing out on riding Nemesis, but when the area around the said ride is such a mess, why would I want too anyway?

Merlin, enough is enough? Alton Towers, enough is enough !!!!!

Alton Towers deserves to be much much more than Merlin currently operate it at.
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Matey, I need to buy you a drink when the park is owned by operators who actually value customer experience. Maybe that will be in many years time when the park is sold to an operator who holds profit on the same page as customer experience.

Deep down, as fans, we all know the park needs to make a profit, but does the current structure need to make such a profit that it's detrimental to how the park is?

As a loyal fan, I categorically state that I will not visit until something changes. I will tell people who ask me my opinion, not to bother going, to keep their money or go somewhere else.

i do not accept how the park is being run and because of that I refuse to give them any of my money. Yes, I am missing out on riding Nemesis, but when the area around the said ride is such a mess, why would I want too anyway?

Merlin, enough is enough? Alton Towers, enough is enough !!!!!

Alton Towers deserves to be much much more than Merlin currently operate it at.

All the uk parks deserve much more than the way Merlin operate them. I have not been for 3 years to a merlin park as they are a sad depressing place. I actively encourage others not to go now, and its working.

Its like the 'magic' is in reverse for me.
So a really dumb question from a fan of Alton Towers and who has only been to the park once since 2016, why do people renew their passes, stay in their hotels when the entire resort is in such a dire state?
I think the problem is we all still have an affinity for the place. We have memories of better times, there are still parts of the visit that we enjoy, plus for a lot of us it's still a social thing where we meet likeminded individuals. Even when the park is run into the ground it doesn't change those things. It just means we get more cynical and bitter when you see what happens and you know what the park is capable of.
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So a really dumb question from a fan of Alton Towers and who has only been to the park once since 2016, why do people renew their passes, stay in their hotels when the entire resort is in such a dire state?

Nothing is going to change, we all know that deep in our hearts, so why continue to go? Merlin are about profit at the expense of visitor experience. Deep down we know that.

Don't like it, don't go... Hit them where it hurts !!!

I still go, but only on quiet days, and i have a good time too.
I think the problem is we all still have an affinity for the place. We have memories of better times, there are still parts of the visit that we enjoy, plus for a lot of us it's still a social thing where we meet likeminded individuals. Even when the park is run into the ground it doesn't change those things. It just means we get more cynical and bitter when you see what happens and you know what the park is capable of.

I have vioted with my feet & wallet I'm afraid. Many of us here remember the dark days of around 2004-2005 when Tussauds were hell-bent on running Towers into the ground. Now multiply that several times over to see what Merlin are doing to the place - which is a real shame. The park has so much potential (despite all the planning restrictions) if an operator is prepared to invest properly in it.

I will admit I am not your average UK theme park enthusiast, as I have access to very cheap flights to the USA (which I use). Not held a MAP for about 2 years now (Sun tickets for my one visit to Alton each year). I hold Universal Orlando & Seaworld / Aquatica / Busch Gardens annual passes now and put them to good use. And just to clarify - visiting the Florida parks is not cheaper for me, as I have to pay around £200 for a flight, hire a car (or use taxis), pay for parking at $25 a day (if hiring a car) + food & drink costs. I do get free accommodation though. The quality of the day out you have is far superior to Towers & the weather is guaranteed to be a lot warmer! Oh, the rides are generally way more reliable too. At SeaWorld QuickQueue ultimate (so unlimited Fastpass for the day) is under $30 too, so an absolute bargain if you want to Mako yourself crazy.

So well done Merlin, you've driven away someone who used to be happy to hold your annual pass (Premium one to) and visited your parks - partcularly Towers - regularly. I always spent money on park in the form of food and / or drink, so you've lost that profit. I no longer recommend Towers to friends / colleagues / family as a good day out as it is clear the only think Merlin are interested in is extracting as much money as possible from visitors & they don't care about the guest experience (openening hours & ride reliability / availbility speak volumes). I suspect I'm not alone in turning my back on Merlin parks - but as long as all the MAP holders who walk away are replaced by Towers AP holders on the £55 pass Merlin will doubtless see the season as a success.
I have stopped visiting Merlin parks, like others I try and visit other parks instead - this actually costs me more money than it would to just have a MAP but it’s worth it since you have a better day out and actually feel like you are getting value for money.

Obviously I still have some kind of emotional connection to Alton Towers, otherwise I wouldn’t be here - but I find myself more interested in the Europa and other theme park forums these days.
I don't visit half as much as I used to anymore. I started going in 1993 and have been every year since, usually 8 or 9 times a year, now its about 2 or 3. Why do I visit? Mix of reasons really - I have good memories of the place and despite how dire parts of it are now, I still make some good memories when I go up now. I tend to stay away from busier periods and avoid staying in the resort hotels if I can.

I find its the company and friends I go with now that makes the day magical, not the venue.
I find it quite insulting when we are told we are looking atoir old trips through rose tinted glasses.

But going back to the park now makes the place look dated, unloved and not an experience. To me its just a collection of rides in a country park. The theme and escapeism aspect is no longer abundant. I remember walking through katanga canyon which looked authentic and magical, now it just looks like vinal boards and concrete. The forbidden valley was breathtaking with smoke and effects in every corner. Now what do we have? Fasttrack where your day is as good as how much extra your willing to spend on tickets plus more and more gamestalls. No shows, delayed openings no characters out of cbeebies, unpainted rides sitting in pools of mould and few updates to attractions since the early 90s. Theme parks are a place where you leave the world behind you and escape for the day. Alton and the rest of the uk Merlin themepark estate does not have an ounce of magic left (bar hex).
My parents took me here every year since I was three, I have made an emotional attachment with this place. But I'm trying to distance myself as it is such a dire place. I am embarrassed to take friends there anymore, as they would ask 'where's this?' 'Where's that?' 'Oh I use to love Ripsaw!'. It is frustrating for us, but also the employees at Merlin! There are some very talented individuals who are working ridiculous hours, coming up with some many amazing designs. Just to be binned half of the time.
My visits have dropped dramatically, wicker man has pulled me in this season but if dungeons happens next year I wouldn’t be surprised if I don’t visit in 2019.
I have enormous attachment to the park, and I still really like a lot of the rides. I'd say it has pretty much the best outright hardware of any attraction in Europe. Nemesis, Oblivion and Hex are absolute lifelong favourites of mine, and I'm confident I will love Wicker Man, too. However, my last few visits have been increasingly underwhelming, and nothing I've heard this year, from friends or the fan community, fills me with any hope. Given the state of the park, I think the accomodation increases are ludicrous, and although I see the business and shareholder perspective on things, I think the quality balance there is far too tipped in the wrong direction. This era is much worse than the 2004/5 period, too, as the resources are there, they're simply being stifled out of sheer greed. I know I'm just one person, and someone moreso on 'the inside' at that, but parks like Europa, Efteling, Phantasialand and even BPB have my custom now. They've lost a lifelong fan.

Sad stuff!
Is there anyone else on here who's still a fan?

For me Alton Towers still has a magical effect, for one I've noticed I am generally willing to go and chat to random people at towers, something I could never do out of towers.

Yes towers does honestly seem to have some positive impact in regards to my Asperger's!

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I'm still a fan! Despite how busy the park was in March, I still had a wonderful time! Wicker Man is stunning, and one of the best overall experiences that Alton Towers has to offer! Nemesis is still a beast! Hex is an awesome dark ride! And the park's other rides are still good in their own little ways! I love Alton, and I have to say that it is still my favourite theme park, despite having visited Florida! Islands of Adventure is a very close 2nd (very close), but there's something about Alton that I just prefer over IOA.
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