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Wraiths are happy creatures and are one of the most docile mascots at Alton Towers, in contrast to Alton Bear who really needs no explanation.

"We're not scary, we're just dressed that way."


A Wraith's Personality

Wraiths are known to be playful, always hoping to have a play with the visitors whenever they visit their homeland of Dark Forest as well as trying to sneak out of their area to visit Hex for they are drawn to Gothic architecture, curses and implied death... and the visitors leaving the ride through the Towers itself, making it a perfect time to play with them.

They are known for the following hobbies:

About to play a game of Monopoly, Alton Towers Editon
  • Knitting
  • Connect-4
  • The game 'It', involving Pennywise the Clown himself on some occasions
  • Pictionary
  • Charades
  • Trampolining
  • Tea Party with 'borrowed' TY Beanie Boos from Towers Trading

There is only one known way to anger a Wraith and, when used, can be deadly. This method is to accidentally call one a "Ringwraith". The history of conflict between the Dark Forest Wraith and Ringwraith is not entirely clear, but to call a Dark Forest Wraith a "Ringwraith" has been termed as like calling a Chinese citizen Japanese.

A Wraith's Looks

Wraiths are commonly cloaked and seen mysterious figures, with the colour co-ordination of black, brown and green in conjunction with the Dark Forest. Their adorable faces are covered by a black mask to appear more 'spooky' but really, it makes them look more adorable complete with leather gloves.
"Oh hai ther!"

A Wraith's normal face is rarely seen when the black mask is removed, thus leading to speculation between park enthusiasts and International Wraith Watchers on what a Wraith's face may be. A whiskered white cat? Or maybe a Trollface? Possibly their faces are GPS location spotters for John Waldey?

Is this the real face of a Wraith?!

Who knows...

According to local legends and theories, Wraiths cannot live outside unless they are well cloaked and covered in creepy, spooky material to defend them from sunlight. They're not allergic to it, they just hate it because it gives them very bad sunburn. Now we wouldn't want that, now would we?

Wraiths and Their Species

Wraith babies are rarely seen crawling out of their burrows, and without enough photographic evidence to prove this, it is commonly thought Wraiths breed through multiplication and regularly whenever one elder Wraith dies, 13 new Wraiths pop up in order to begin the new life.

It is currently being scientifically explored if there are such things as female Wraiths and if they look any different to male Wraiths. The closest scientists and historians have gotten to on this search are the bi-Wraiths, which dress in lighter colours to the main Wraith colour scheme with a hint of magenta.


If you can give us any information on who committed this indecent crime, then please call 0118 999 881 999 919 725 3. Thank you.

The worst thing that could happen to a Wraith in any lifestyle, anywhere, at anytime...

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