Get your tits out for the lads

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Euro-Mir at Europa Park is one of those rides with an awesome theme tune. The sort of instrumental theme tune which lends itself to coming up with your own lyrics. The most popular of which, amongst members of TowersStreet at least, is "Get your tits out for the lads".

This particular line has developed into others, equally as appropriate in a family theme park, including:

"Show the ladies some respect"

"Do you shave your balls"

"Get your cunt out for a pound"

"Show the ladies your shaved balls"

Another part of the the theme tune, around the 2m 18s mark in the video linked above, is often associated with a slightly different set of lyrics, often consisting of a list of 4 related items:

"Rimming. Fisting. Squelching. Poppers."

"Hitler. Himmler. Goebbels. Goering."

"Putin. Stalin. Lenin. Yeltsin."

"Russia. Putin. Kremlin. Respect."

These lyrics are most commonly heard in the indoor UV section of Euro Mir's queue line, though sometimes also in the outdoor section too.