Revenge of the Mummy

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Revenge of the Mummy building

Revenge of the Mummy is located in Orlando, far away from the safety of Alton Towers.

It is an indoor roller coaster. There is a great queue line that is well themed and parts of it are scary.

The ride had a good storyline and one of the main themes that comes through is that the ride wants to remove your eyebrows. It does this a couple of times with large amounts of fire. Protective head gear is recommended for this ride.

The roller coaster section of the ride is excellent and there are some good drops and turns in it, sadly this ride does not go upside down. The ride reaches speeds of up to about 45MPH.

One member of each group must remember to take a cup of coffee with them every time they go on this ride.

A single riders queue is available and it seems that no one knows about it. It is great if you just want to keep running round to whore the ride.

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