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Is it a trick of the light?!?... No.

Scarefest is the flagship (or rather, ghostship) event at Alton Towers during the month of October when it's, surprise surprise, HALLOWEEN.

The event is known to be immensely popular with TTFers for it means dressing up, playing Halloween tricks on fellow members (i.e. BOO!!) and re-riding many of the park's rides/rollercoasters in the dark. It also means the three Scare mazes are open so yay!

This event usually ends up spending most of the budget for Alton Towers, usually on decorations from Poundland.



Tussauds got a little bit bored after dealing with a discovery behind an ancient bookcase in the very early 00s, so they sent out a group representing the company to travel the world and bring back amusing things with them, as executives can get bored very easily. They had tried contacting John Wardley to come and entertain them, but he was too busy trying to perfect flying for his new roller coaster with some plywood and chewing gum in HQ.

The company group travelled the world aimlessly, until finding out about the amazing, frightening and spectacular Terenzi Horror Nights at Europa Park and so decided to check it out. It took Tussauds a while to get them out of Mackland because it was so easily mesmerising (It's the land of the Roland, what do you expect with the 'tache?), but after a while they managed to bring back the group.

After explaining what Europa was like with Terenzi creating a wholly spooky and fun experience, Tussauds decided to try out their own kind of haunted event, first naming it Halloween Spooktacular which was a very typical creative name indeed. This event involved hiring out all of the Halloween character costumes from the local costume shops, visiting every cheap shop for Halloween decorations to throw around the park and leaving the park open a bit later than usual so the enthusiasts can openly whore the roller coasters.

And people liked it!

Rinse and repeat until 2004, when Tussauds went through the Terrible Dark Ages disease and had to halt everything fun for 3 years. This sadly included the Halloween event. But then, Merlin Entertainments Ltd came along and made everything better in 2007, bringing back the event and renaming it Scarefest as well creating new characters to roam the park and entertain the guests with their minions children.

And people liked it slightly more!

The Scarefest Tradition

This part of the article is to be about how TTF celebrates on park, the varying amounts of Maze walkthroughs, the etiquette of dress-up and of course, how many times rides are re-ridden in the dark i.e. Congo River Rapids, Nemesis, Air, Oblivion and Th13teen.

Annual Attractions

It wouldn't be a Halloween events if there weren't Scare Mazes and themed attractions! Or at least a bit of plastic pumpkins here and there.

The Scare Mazes

  • Terror of the Towers -
  • Boiler House -
  • Carnival of Screams -
  • The Field Of A Thousand Screams - retired

The Ride: LIVE!

  • Skelvin's Haunted Adventure -
  • Th13teen: Live -
  • Duel: Live - retired

Misc. Attractions

  • Trick or Treat Doors -

Hotel Exclusives:

  • Trick or Treat Rooms -
  • Room Th13teen -
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