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A roller coaster is a train on a track, which exits a station and does a couple of interesting things here, there, something else and then one final big thing towards the end of the ride before returning to its appointed station. Roller coasters and speed change with every ride, you may go at 170mph on one and 1mph on another. If you are on a roller coaster that goes up to 88mph, then it is most likely you will end up someplace else in the world, especially in time and space. Most cases are inside the Pyramid of X:/WTF at Thorpe Park.


There is much disagreement amongst enthusiasts as to what actually constitutes a roller coaster, often resulting in heated debates on forums and at meet ups. A common cause for disagreement is the acceptability of powered coasters and half-pipe or disk-o rides. An example of such a ride is Kobra at Chessington, which Sam (wrongly) considers a coaster.

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