TST Chat

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Chat is another page on TowersTimes for members and guests to interact through the use of internet instant messaging, used for these sole purposes: Chat, slam, annoy, tease and posting random rubbish. The chatroom is a regular buyer in Canned Laughter as well as Tumbleweed, both being part of the regular Chat routine if particular members are being failures at jokes or the room is just too quiet.

It was installed in the 1800s after the moderators and administrators of the TTF found that a large small proportion of members couldn't be bothered out of laziness to actually post IN the forums themselves. This included some of the moderators and administrators too.

TTF Chat is admittedly responsible for the jokes: Splat, Where's Waldey? and VAN, the latter of which was caused by a certain drunken Admin. There are more jokes around but these are the only ones bothered enough to appear so far.

TTF Chat ranges, when you appear in the room, between mere childishness and absolute immaturity and very rarely hitting the serious. Although when it comes to that level, some member has to say something very immature to bring back Chat into its normal levels.

Who knows what'll happen if there is a serious Chat session for more than a hour, maybe the world will spontaenously combust? Or Mack will cease to exist? Will John Wardley be turned into a lady and spend more time fussing over what shoes to wear on-park? Or perhaps Thorpe Park will be loved and admired by all?

Oh... the horrible possibilities are endless! Oh the humanity!

In order to be more 'savvy' and understandable with TowersTimes members who stay within the realms of Chat and speak utter things you wouldn't understand, then please direct yourself to the GeNeDo Diagram, which sums up the demographic of members.


TT Chat is overlooked by one, or several admins, who seem to permanently live there, and one or more bots - the most recent being John Wardley in robot form. Chat can get quite lively on a Friday or Saturday night so the ban stick - whilst an uncommon sight - does come out from time to time to provide some anal probing.

Special Events

Every now and then TTF Chat will be graced by special events. A common, and highly popular one is radio, which may rear its head at any given time to provide chat with a bit of ambient music. To spot upcoming events like radio simply watch for the banner at the top of the forums.

Epic Quotez

[01:42] <Joelio> i'm a bit of a nob

[22:47] Diogo: after a hard days riding you need a proper bed

[22:14] DannyJ: had swim in my mates poo today

Kamfira: I can go to very far lengths!

[22:37] * Vezza gets on her knees

[01:16] <Joel_II> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_III> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_I> lets see how this works out

[01:16] <Joel_II> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_II> lets see how this works out

[01:16] <Joel_I> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_III> lets see how this works out

[01:16] <Joel_II> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_II> lets see how this works out

[01:16] <Joel_III> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_I> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_II> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_I> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_I> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_II> me and my?

[01:30] <DannyJ> why doesnt nemesis fall of its track ?

[09:45] <Joel> It's all foookin Bill's fault.

[22:25] <Rowe> Seriously, no female will want Joelio-repellant

[23:44] <DannyJ> can i bee the lanky suport slaper ?

[21:52] Rowe: RUN FOR YOUR LIVES.

[21:53] michael: Why Rowe?

[21:53] Rowe: Joelio's in the roooooooooooooooooooom!

[21:53] Mitch: Well... there's round 2 of "Strangest things to hear on joining TT Chat"

[21:05] Dorsia left the chat room.

[21:05] Joelio: Hey Dorsia

[21:05] Joelio: Oh shit


[21:05] Air_Dan: That is all.

[23:41] Craig: half price virgin ftw :P

[23:34] <zs_chris> you obviously do not understand the complications of the aviation industry.

[23:34] <zs_chris> I could be a vital part of my job.

[23:34] <zs_chris> it*

[23:35] <Joelio> Lol, I think you're the most vital part of your job

[23:38] * Ogoid|drunk|cooking|NOM is scared by the quantity of tequila and Vodka he has consumed in the past week


[00:36] <Aly> "Oh wardley wardley, how was I supposed to know. That Th13teen was a kids ride. Someone from the marketing team told me. It was was a thril seekers ride wardley, thats why I marketed it so" *

  • To the tune of "Hit my baby one more time"

[23:49] <Rowe> I could go at it in bed for hours

[00:28] <Rowe> Glomping me will only prolong your time in bed

[00:21] * Sasquatch DOESN'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER.

[21:41] <Rowe> "Chris is an amazing lover and nearly godlike at sex... oh and he was a good temp admin too."

[22:48] <Sasquatch> How's this for a topic: 101 things we love about Rowe

[23:23] <Parrybo> Rowe's cool... I want one

[01:44] <Parrybo> i might knock one off then go to bed

[01:45] * Joely ears prick up

[01:45] <Ogoid> lol

[01:45] <Parrybo> ewww

[01:45] <Parrybo> that made me feel dirty

[20:23] <Joely> Bet some PHP cunt made it like EST or something

[20:23] <Chris_> The function expects to be given a string containing a US English date format and will try to parse that format into a Unix timestamp

[20:24] <Aly> I love it when you two talk dirty :P

[20:08] <Joely> Condoms, lube and 3 cucumbers.

[21:24] <Sasquatch> Cheese you sexy beast!

[21:55] <Sasquatch> Aly, you sexy beast!


[19:10] <Rowe> Just go for it!

[19:10] <Islander> Hmm.

[19:10] <Islander> Do you, Chris_, accept Rowe to be your (probably) unlawful wedded wife_?

[19:10] <Chris_> yesh

[19:10] <Islander> kthnx

[19:11] <Islander> Rowe, d'you take dis man to be da same???????????????

[19:11] <Rowe> Yeeeees!

[19:11] <Islander> Innit bruv!

[19:11] <Islander> I now pronownce youz husband_ and wife_!

[19:11] <Chris_> yays

[19:11] - Rowe changes nick to Rowe_

[19:11] <Islander> You may snog the bride :)

[19:11] * Chris_ snogz the bride

[19:11] <Islander> Please go here, and pretend your names are Joan and Dave:

[19:11] <Islander> http://webspace.webring.com/people/cu/um_3734/wedding.htm

[19:12] <Islander> Ensure sound is on.

[19:12] <Chris_> wow at that website

[19:12] * Rowe_ enjoys the snogz and wraps her arms around Chris_' neck.

[20:29] <Islander> We really need two chat rooms... a TTF chat room, and a clean version...

[22:57] <Vez> wow craig :D

[22:59] <Craig> yeah im done now :P

[23:02] <Craig> did someone hear?

[01:43] <Sasquatch> We can make love, yes?

[01:43] * BrettS passes chris a towel

[01:43] <DannyJ> ok Sasquatch

[18:48] <D4n> Evening Joely, Joelio & Rowe :)

[18:49] <Rowe_> Oh and you're not going to say hello to X, Jupiter or Shent? That's very thoughtful of you!

[18:50] <D4n> I'll say hello to Jupiter & Shent, I dislike X though, so think I shall ignore him. :)

[18:50] * X shifts eyes on D4n

[18:51] <D4n> ... wha... wha... :o

[20:54] <Rowe_> Ooof Chris_, this advantage of power is getting me hot tbh

[21:20] <D4n> Lucky? I'd love to get kicked out of this Hell hole ;)

[21:20] <Rowe_> Yet you always come back

[21:21] <D4n> That's... true...

[21:21] <Rowe_> Lawl fail

[21:21] * D4n 's argument falls flat on it's face

[20:06] * D4n was kicked by Wardley

[23:33] * Chris_ lieks boobs

[23:33] * Rowe_ has boobs

[00:29] <Chris_> Is it me, or is the text on chat kinda blurry this evening>

[00:29] <Rowe_> Just you, sweetie.

[00:29] <Chris_> I find it difficult to read

[21:47] <Aly> !bumme

[21:47] * Joel winks at Aly

[21:47] <Joel> I'm not that much of a tart, Aly - at least give it a few minutes!

[21:47] * Joel loads up the Travelodge website, and books a room near Aly

[21:47] * Joel packs the broom handle and KY Jelly, and sets out in his car....

[21:47] <Aly> :P

[21:47] <Joel> RUN Aly !! ;)

[23:52] * Ogoid wants pussy

[01:14] <Bote> But you'd have a water pipe up your arse

[19:10] *** Jem8472 has joined #tt

[19:10] <Diogo> Arrr!

[19:10] *** Jem8472 has quit (Quit: www.towerstimesforum.co.uk)

[19:10] <Diogo> arrr :(

[19:10] *** Jem8472 has joined #tt

[19:11] <Diogo> Arrr!

[19:11] <Jem8472> Hello!

[19:11] *** Aly has joined #tt

[19:11] <Diogo> arrr :(

[22:19] <Chris_> I dont want to have sex with you aly!

[23:20] <Michael> I won't be on for the rest of the night! :)

[19:32] <Chris_> GLEE <3

[19:32] <Mike> 'Glee FTFW

[19:32] <Aly> POOF

[19:32] <Aly> EVEN BIGGER POOF!

[21:51] <Zamperlas_Bitch> (aka Michael) Let's be honest, D4n's a sexy beast.  :P

[20:45] <Chris> omg my life sucks

[20:45] <Chris> I hate you all

[20:53] <Rowe> It's up to John to reveal what his editing weapon is, not me.

[23:12] <Michael> *' **I don't [/anal]

[23:14] <Islander> You don't anal? Huh?

[01:02] <MattH> i want lees babies tbh

[01:02] <Chris> I thought you were straight?

[01:02] <MattH> well, only when im sober

[22:32] <@Chris> I presume you and dave had the same issue? :P

[22:32] <Rowe> Yup.

[22:32] <Rowe> We just didn't know how to do it...

[19:42] <Bote> "Are you ready weeds? Start tumblin'!"

[19:42] <SasqWatch> ^ lol

[19:42] <Bote> These weeds are made for tumblin'. And that's just what they'll do.

[19:42] <Bote> One of these days these weeds are guna tumble all over you

[19:43] <Bote> ba da da da da da da

(Chris takes a look at Grindr)

[21:50] <Aly> why did you open it? :P

[21:51] * Ian knows Chris secretly bookmarked it

[21:51] * Aly pulls Chris out the closet :p

[21:51] <Chris> I wanted to see what their website was like!

[21:51] <Aly> full of gays? :P

[21:52] <Chris> its yellow ;)

[22:02] <Chris> This chat needs more boobs

[22:22] <Jordan> So... who's voting Ultimate then? :P

[22:22] <Chris> not me...

[22:22] <Jordan> Why not Chris?

[22:22] <Chris> Because I dont rate it

[22:23] <Chris> I find it painful, dangerous and poorly designed

[22:23] <Chris> it also has no theming :P

[22:23] <Jordan> :P

[22:23] <ILoveLWV> I find YOU painful, dangerous and poorly designed >_>

[20:29] Aly: nope, I'm a gay!

[20:30] Aly: its true. honest!

[20:30] • Aly bums Chris as proof

[20:30] Chris: :|

[20:30] Jordan: Tut tut! :P

[20:30] Rowie: Chris.

[20:31] Rowie: Invest in a chastity belt for Opening Meet.

[02:04] <Chris> Hey everyone, Joel is making me do work at 2am. Sympathy plox

[02:04] <Joel> !k Chris Get on with it.

[02:04] *** Chris has been kicked by X (Get on with it.)

[23:02] <Islander> I think Rowe just killed Dave.

[23:02] <Rowe> That was Dave's fault tbh.

[22:28] <Craig> aly wouldnt come out of his mother's vagina until a light up set of stairs were placed there and he was able to mince down with a feather boa on

[23:03] <DormiensDave> i'm 26, thats almost pension age in TTF

[23:04] <Aly> noo to colours :P

[23:04] <Ogoid> OI!

[23:04] <Aly> Pension Age?

[23:04] <DormiensDave> and if anyone tels Badger i said that i will kill them

[23:04] <Aly> You practically DEAD and BURIED to most TTF'ers

[21:01] <Jem8472> Hellllllo!

[21:01] <Squashwatch> How the fucking gypsy cunt are you?

[21:01] <zs_chris> shit, bugger, arsehole, piss, cock, fart.

[21:01] <Ogoid> Flange!

[21:27] <Ogiod> call that big?

[21:27] <Aly> well it is for the virgins ;)

[21:27] <Ogiod> I'm 8' mate ;)

[19:19] <Ian> I love joels cock.

[19:19] <Ian> end of.

[19:26] <Ian> Ooooh :P

[19:26] <Ian> I'll give you £20 to take me Michael ;)

[20:03] * Aly gags Ian!

[20:04] <Ian> Kinky ;)

[20:04] <Aly> whats kinky about gagging you Ian!: PO

[20:04] <Aly> Filthy Boy!

[20:04] <Ian> Maybe I'm into that sort of thing Aly

[20:04] <Aly> :O

[20:05] * Aly backs away slowly from Ian!

[20:05] <Aly> Whatever flots yer Bote

[20:30] <Joel> If it involves my arse, then yes :P

[22:46] * Benedique left the chat room. (Quit: takeaway timeeeeeeee)

[22:46] <Joelio> <pervy comment towards dom>

[22:36] <SAM93> And Aly... You can fuck me if you wish... Not too fussed tbh

[23:18] <Jem8472> ummmm cheese and biscuits FTW!

[23:18] <Magrathea> Since when has Rowe been "biscuits"? :P

[20:37] <Benedique> net split?

[20:37] <Sasquatch> Lamesplit!!

[20:37] <Magrathea> FROGSPLIT!

[20:37] <Michael> net split :D

[20:37] <Sasquatch> sad faaaaace!!

[20:54] <Chris> Disney, Disney, Disney. *faps*

[17:19] <@Ian> Hey Joel :D

[17:19] <~Joel> Hello!

[17:21] <@Ian> So what's shakin' then?

[17:22] * ~Joel thinks about this one

[17:22] <~Joel> Japan?

[23:04] <Aly> gets me WELL horny ;)

[23:04] <Joel> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

[21:20] * Chris also gives aly one...

[21:20] <Chris> Aly <3

[20:51] * Joel wants to see Chris hunt the prey, Hollie, down in a true Scouse fashion

[20:52] * Chris turns on the legendary scouse/wilsy charm

[00:10] <Joelio> Ellie: Have you ever propped up your bedsheets with your c**k to read a book at night?

[21:14] <nickdaegg> But I don't want to leave my car in the Vane car park if it means that someone's going to fervently rub their crotch on it

[23:15] <Chris> #and the world spins round and round

[23:15] <Chris> *earth

[23:15] <Ian> :P

[23:15] <Chris> actually Ive forgot the words

[01:46] * Bear grabs Dar and shakes his * violently

[01:46] <Bear> ...

[01:46] <Bear> ...

[01:47] <Bear> *Hand

[01:47] <Dar> :O

[01:47] <Dar> There was a moment that I panicked tbh!

[21:33:38] <Benedique> Guys who can sing and play instruments capture my heart instantly

[21:33:50] Craig can play an epic triangle

[21:28] <Dar> Jesus 'Chris't, it wasn't a pun. Frankly I'm s'Martin'g from the 'Dar't of meanness that you shot towards me. It's un'Bear'able.

[21:22] <D4n> There's also something catchy about - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcy6e8qM9U4 ;)

[21:23] <Dar> There's something catchy about the clap.

[21:23] <Dar> Moral: Not all catchy things are good

[19:04] <Magrathea> You can spot my crotch at some points but that's about it.

[19:05] <D4n> Ooooh... yipee!

[19:05] <Magrathea> Sex sells.

[19:07] <D4n> Indeed. I'm enjoying viewing your crotch so much that I only have one hand free to write this comment. ;)

[19:07] Magrathea runs. Far far away.

[19:09] <D4n> Although... working on the "sex sells" basis... surely Rowe should have been scripted to say "I'm weeeet" rather than "I'm soaaaaaaked"... yar?

[19:10] <Magrathea> She does later say "I'm wet on camera.."

[19:10] <D4n> Niiice. :P

[02:06] * MattH remembers... Fleety is only a friend, and will stay that way, but she IS HAWT!

[21:57] <Ogoid> basicly, TTF's just one big gang bang, isnt it?

[21:35] <D4n> I wouldn't recommend riding Joelio tbh.

[22:36] <@Crofty> take your boobs with you please. xx

[22:36] <Ellie> i will :)

[22:36] Ellie has quit (Quit: www.towerstimesforum.co.uk).

[22:36] <Joelio> Lol

[22:37] <Joelio> Her Norks are Corkers tbh

[22:37] <Joelio> :)

[02:44] <Ogoid> its not a 90s dance tune without the following : 1) random keyboard middle 8 that bears no relation the the rest of the song, and 2) a video filmed at a fun fair! :P

[19:03] <Joel|DotCom> Raggghhhh

[19:03] <Joel|DotCom> Time to give arms a work out

[02:22:57] Joelio slips a shit out, like an artilery piece would eject a shell.

[02:23:10] <@Craig> how errr lovely

[02:23:21] <Joelio> :P

[02:23:34] <Joelio> Its very romantic Craig, tbh.

[02:23:38] <@Craig> im sure it is

[02:24:45] <Joelio> I won't oversell it tbh, its just shit slipping out of a shaft like a bob skeleton sportsman would slip and slide around a luge track.

[23:20] <James> Argh! I just creamed so loudly.

[23:20] <James> :O

[23:20] <James> *screamed

[23:20] <Rowe> LOL

[23:20] <James> SCREAMED.

[22:56] <Magrathea> That's MY crotch being violated!

[22:13:37] <Joelio> No idea Mike, i'm sat at home bollock naked, wanking like a monkey

[22:56:14] Rowe has quit (Quit: *Disappears in a flash of purple smoke, complete with lightning sound effects, the flutter of bats and Dave's evil laughter in the background.).

[20:50] <Jordan> SamWan, are you the woman in the relationship then? :P

[20:50] <SamWan> Nope....

[20:50] <Sam> I can't imagine Sam being a top

[20:50] <Sam> No offence...

[20:51] <SamWan> Stfu Sam

[20:51] <SamWan> I can be a top all I like!!!

[20:51] <Sam> Lol actually I guess you have to be top with R Tuggers

[20:51] <Jared> Wait, explain the term "Top" for me in this sense?

[20:52] <Sam> If it was the other way round you'd be all "...is it in yet? I can't feel it..."

[10:48] <Mike> .....basically thats how wet TTF trolls get when they come into contact with me ;) :P

[10:48] <D4n> You realise how dirty that sounds, right? :P

[10:49] <Mike> thankfully, not many people are here to see it :P

[10:49] <D4n> Wiki tbh.

[10:49] <Mike> You wouldnt dare xD

[00:46] *** Rowe quit (Quit: *Sets off two massive glitter cannons, a group of rainbow gels with a drumroll and exits promptly via trap door* Didn't want to make a big deal out of leaving, bye all!)

[02:40] <JohnWan> Sam, I think you're BARKING up the wrong tree

[02:41] <JohnWan> Sam, you're making a PAW effort at a comeback.

[02:42] <Joelio> John, you're being un-FUR

[02:42] <Ogoid> I'm sure you will COLLAR yourself a man soon enough Sam ;)

[02:42] <Chris> this is turning into an interesting TAIL

[02:42] <JohnWan> Just don't LEAD anyone on.

[02:43] <Aly> I'm sure Sam will VET the new men accordingly ;)

[02:44] <Aly> perhaps Sam wants 101 dominations?

[02:45] <Jordan> Aly, I think Sam wants to give you a good HOUNDing ;-)

[02:46] <Joelio> Lets put a HALTER on Johns shit puns.

[02:46] <Benedique> Can we all stop SNIFFING around the issue here please.

[02:49] <Jordan> Go FETCH the wiki page someone

[21:12] <Ogoid> Urgh, why do young teen girls have to SCREAM so much???

[04:29] <Joelio> for my half 4 wank Craig, it'll be YOU today, not dom

[23:29:36] <~Joel> "Location of vehicle: ___ LOWER BITTEL RESEVOIR (in the water) ___"

[23:30:35] <~Joel> "Sketch the accident: ~~~~~~~~[ Tesco.com ]D~~~~~~~~

[23:30:43] <~Joel> ~ = water

[00:53] <Craig> stu wouldn't know subtlety if it came up and anally raped him

[20:15:38] <Martin> "Look at those boobs" "Forget those, look at Nemie's new wheels!"

[20:15:44] <Magrathea> ^this

[20:15:57] <Magrathea> Wheels <3

[20:15:58] Magrathea has quit (Quit: Magrathea).

[20:16:13] <@Chris> ^ he got too excited about the wheels

[02:04:00] <AdamJames> I'm as straight as a lamppost.

[02:04:05] <AdamJames> I think that just about covers it.

[02:04:13] <Dan77> what happeds if a car crashes in to it though?

[20:48] <Jared> Who wants to see Rowe's bum? Haha

[20:47] • Ogoid throws his head back and emits a dirty laugh

[20:48] <Joelio> Rowe's bum ftw

[23:47] <SAM93> Craig is fat and old!!!

[00:42:50] DannyJ cums ove the RR summer release

[00:43:11] <StevieHunter> has the CT out yet?

[00:43:43] <towersfreak> stop speaking in acronims

[00:44:48] <towersfreak> brb

[00:52] <Joelio> Dom doesn't know what she's let herself into

[00:52] <Dar> last two words are the wrong way round Joelio


[02:16] <Rowe> Sex music comes on.

[21:10] <Hark> Who got fingered?

[21:10] <Ian> Eww

[21:10] <Craig> oh god yeah!

[22:17] <DormiensDave> Is the Ellie in here big breasted small blond ellie or big breasted violent tall ellie?

Drunken gibberish postings by Dom & Aly

[01:38:13] <DominiqueAndAly> y46u

[01:38:14] <DominiqueAndAly> i76

[01:38:15] <DominiqueAndAly> 65

[01:38:16] <DominiqueAndAly> t

[01:38:17] <DominiqueAndAly> i

[01:38:18] <DominiqueAndAly> y5

[01:38:19] <DominiqueAndAly> yu

[01:38:20] <Joelio> We could probably summarise it

removed 8 posts of Authentic Frontier Gibberish by <DominiqueAndAly>

[01:38:28] <Jem8472> nahhhhh

removed 8 more posts of Authentic Frontier Gibberish by <DominiqueAndAly>

[01:38:36] <Jem8472> post the whole mental rambling

removed yet another 8 posts of Authentic Frontier Gibberish by <DominiqueAndAly>

[01:38:44] <Jem8472> anyway what happened to the flood kick thing?

[01:38:44] <DominiqueAndAly> jj

[01:38:45] <Joelio> DominiqueAndAly: <various drunk tyipngs>

this time 11 posts of Authentic Frontier Gibberish by <DominiqueAndAly>

[01:38:56] <Joelio> no idea, but I wish it was back

[01:38:56] <DominiqueAndAly> trh

[01:38:57] <DominiqueAndAly> tt

[01:38:58] <DominiqueAndAly> hy

[01:38:59] <Jem8472> but would not be as funny as this TBH

this time 18 posts of Authentic Frontier Gibberish by <DominiqueAndAly>

[01:39:17] DominiqueAndAly has quit (Excess Flood).

[01:39:19] <Jem8472> Maybe we should bill them for wasting chat space

[01:39:23] DominiqueAndAly joined the channel.

[01:39:23] <Jem8472> about fooking time

[01:39:27] <DominiqueAndAly> Joelio Jem8472 Nora

[01:39:27] <DominiqueAndAly> Joelio Jem8472 Nora

[01:39:27] <DominiqueAndAly> Joelio Jem8472 Nora

[01:39:27] <DominiqueAndAly> Joelio Jem8472 Nora

[01:39:28] <DominiqueAndAly> Joelio Jem8472 Nora

[01:39:28] <Joelio> LOL

removed lots of shit posting by DominiqueAndAly something along the lines of:

[01:39:28] <DominiqueAndAly> Joelio Jem8472 Nora

[01:39:28] <DominiqueAndAly> Joelio Jem8472 Nora

[01:40:54] DominiqueAndAly is now known as Craih.

[01:40:59] <Craih> Joelio Jem8472 Nora

[01:40:59] <Joelio> my ego side enjoys Dom calling my name :P

5 minuets of Authentic Frontier Gibberish removed

[01:45:46] Craih is now known as Craig.

[01:45:50] <Craig> lol

[01:45:51] <Craig> :P

[01:45:52] Craig is now known as lol.

[01:45:58] <lol> Joelio Jem8472 Nora

[01:45:58] <lol> hh

[01:50:40] <Joelio> :)

[01:55:44] <lol> God damn it I'v e forgoet craigs password in my drunken state

[01:57:31] <Joelio> his password is

[01:57:39] <Joelio> "CockFan99"

[01:58:40] <Joelio> due to his love of cock.

[01:58:57] <Joelio> Its a bit obvious though as he's quite gay

<kamfira> id offer nick varney one tbh (The above was obviously said in relation to MAPs

[20:39:22] <Jared> Geez. Stop typing my name... I'm trying to transfer 1TB of photos atm...

[20:39:32] <D4n> Sorry Jared.

[20:39:39] <D4n> I'll stop now

[20:39:40] <D4n> ... Jared.

[20:39:47] <Jared> WHAT

[20:39:48] <Oli> Jared, Jared, Jared, Jared, Jared, Jared, Jared, Jared ;D

[20:39:59] Aly thinks Jared is being unreasonable

[20:40:02] <Aly> :P

[20:40:04] <D4n> I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch your name... Jared isit?

[20:40:08] Jared leaves

[19:02:55] <Oli> Periods?

[19:03:05] <Georgia> :O

[19:03:13] <Oli> ...

[19:03:18] <D4n> Not quite the same thing, Oli. ;)

[19:03:23] <@Magrathea> Ahhhh, fair enough :)

[19:03:27] <Oli> D4n said it not me...

[19:03:34] <D4n> You lying bastard.

[19:03:37] <D4n> ;)

[19:03:37] <Oli> :P

[19:03:42] <@Magrathea> Stop hiding behind your boyfriend, Oli :P

[19:03:48] <D4n> OI.

[19:03:52] <Oli> No Homo Boyfriends though...

[19:04:01] <@Magrathea> pffft. I've known about you two for AGES.

[19:04:08] <Oli> Shush JIM

[19:04:10] <Jem8472> I know I have not been in chat recently but D4n now gay?

[19:04:15] <D4n> NO.

[19:04:18] <Oli> lol

[19:04:18] <D4n> No no no.

[19:04:20] <D4n> ARGGGGH

[19:04:21] <Jem8472> things move fast round here

[19:04:21] <Rowe> LOL. D4n. Gay.

[19:04:21] D4n has quit (Client exited).

[19:04:28] <Jem8472> radge quit?

[19:04:31] <Oli> Rage Quit!

[19:04:34] <@Magrathea> :P

[19:40] <Ogoid> OH. My. WARDLEY! O.O How have I never eaten BBQ Rib flavour Doritos until now?!?

[19:40] Ogoid noms furiously

[19:40] <Rowe> Are they gorgeous?


[19:40] <Ogoid> It's like eating an orgasm.

[22:25] <Benedique> my womb is reserved for Craig Bates tbh

[22:53:30] <kamfira> i love the front

[22:53:40] <oldgitBEN> i love it at the back *giggles*

[22:53:41] Aly prefers the back

[22:53:45] <kamfira> but then i love to be jumped up on

[22:53:48] <Ogoid> you would, Aly

[22:53:48] <kamfira> well, this says it all

[22:53:49] Aly winks at Ben

[22:53:54] <Ogoid> brb

[22:54:01] <Aly> :P

[22:54:16] <Joelio> Hmm, Vez loves being jumped on

[20:38:06] <@Ian> I'm still here Vez :P

[20:38:15] <@Ian> (Not sure if that's a good thing)

[20:38:17] <kamfira> YAY

[20:38:19] <kamfira> lets get baby making

21:21 Ian Under where your arse was LOL!

21:21 Ian You were sat on it

22:55 <Joelio> fuck my pasty white skin :P

[23:18] <@Magrathea> Camelot Accident FTL :|

[23:18] <Sam> Oooh I need to do my hourly news check to see if that cunt has been killed yet

(NOTE: Sam was referring to Gadaffi)

[20:03] <Dagan> fist him :P

[20:03] <TowersFreak> ewwwww

[20:03] <Dagan> um.. wait...

[20:03] <@Chris> :o

[20:03] <Jonathan> No, Dagan. Just no.

[20:03] <TowersFreak> lmao

[20:04] <Joelio> LOL Dagan!

[23:49:18] <natalie> I still have boobs yes joelio

[23:49:25] <Joelio> I know you do Nat! :D

[23:49:32] <Jem8472> Joelio you are obessed with Boobs! :P

[23:49:34] <Jem8472> http://youtu.be/Q5OZCWaJBdc

[23:49:35] <Jem8472> WANT

[23:49:41] <Joelio> I mean err... you have boobs, haven't noticed?

[23:50:18] <natalie> haha lol I'll get em out for you one day when you grow up lol

[23:50:28] <@Chris> :O

[23:50:43] <Towers-Loaf> :O

[23:50:55] <Towers-Loaf> thinking about we were on the last public train that ever went round (the others being media, compitition winners and staff)

[23:50:57] <Jem8472> *listens for the scrabble of keyboards to get that quote on the wiki*



[18:47] <Joelio> Nemesis theme is great to have an angry wank to...

[00:39] <Benedique> FUCKING ALTON TOWERS

[00:39] <Benedique> I've just been chewing on the fish shower gel from ATH and it's burst in my mouth

[00:39] <Benedique> all I can taste is nasty shower gel ... EURGHHHHHHHHHH

[00:40] <Joelio> was that practice for Saturday Dom? :P

[00:40] <Benedique> eurghhh I'm spitting bubbles and soap suds :'(

[00:40] <@Ian> Foaming at the mouth are we Dom?

[15:42:54] <Applejack> Yay!

[15:42:57] <Mike> tbh - looks-wise, there isnt mcuh difference between Applejack and this D4n guy I know....

[15:43:04] <Georgia> LOLOLOLOLOL.

[15:43:05] <Rarity> Mike do you have a problem with moi?

[15:43:12] <Applejack> I am D4n's twin.

[15:43:16] <Applejack> Neiiigghh.

[15:43:20] <Fluttershy> Applejack's a bitch though. :(

[15:43:25] <Applejack> :'(

[15:43:31] <Fluttershy> Jus' sayin'

[15:43:38] <Fluttershy> Applejack and Rainbow Dash ftl.

[15:43:46] <Fluttershy> Fluttershy and Pinkie <3

[15:43:51] <Rarity> OI.

[15:43:52] <Mike> Just figured out who is who :P

[15:43:55] <Applejack> Pinkie and Flutteryshy FTFL.

[15:43:56] <Rarity> What about me?

[15:44:07] Mike thinks AppleJack and Rarity should kiss and make up :P

[15:44:14] <Fluttershy> Flutteryshy? Piss off Applejack.

[15:44:14] Mike gets popcorn

[15:44:29] <Rarity> I, for one, am not a lesbian.

[15:44:34] <Mike> Kinky roleplaying isit now? :P

[15:44:36] <Applejack> Typo you noob.

[15:45:00] <Georgia> I think it is Mike...

[15:45:09] <Georgia> Applejack.... just.... go away.

[15:45:31] <Mike> Well, considering you're controlling him, thats not hard ;) :P

[15:45:39] <Rarity> Georgia would you like a makeover?

[15:45:52] <Georgia> Uhhmm... I'm not really a girly girl. :)

[15:46:02] <Fluttershy> Mike... how are you managing to control 3 accounts at once? :P

[15:46:07] <Rarity> You disappoint me

[15:46:10] <Mike> I m not ;P

[15:46:16] <Fluttershy> Clearly, you are.

[15:46:17] <Applejack> This is Mike.

[15:46:20] <Rarity> I'm not Mike

[15:46:23] <Applejack> I have taken Applejack hostage.

[15:46:35] <Fluttershy> You ARE Applejack...

[15:46:49] <Applejack> This is Mike currently typing, noob.

[15:46:51] <Mike> :P

[15:46:57] <Mike> It blatenty isnt ;)

[15:47:03] <Applejack> Yes it issss!

[15:47:12] <Georgia> Sorry Rarity:(

[15:47:16] <Mike> Applejack Username: georgiaa

[15:47:20] <Rarity> You should be :(

[15:47:25] <Mike> (from IRC's getinfo command :P )

[15:47:33] <Rarity> None of my pony friends are as glamorous as I.

[15:47:34] <Applejack> You lie.

[15:47:35] <Applejack> I lie!

[15:47:38] <Applejack> Muhhahahahaaaaa.

[15:47:39] <Rarity> And nor are you. :(

[15:48:07] <Georgia> :(

[15:48:24] <Applejack> I like to eat sprout milkshake.

[15:48:33] <Rarity> Hmm... perhaps I could tempt Mike?

[15:48:38] <Applejack> 'Cos Imma frickin pony.

[15:48:39] <Rarity> Gays like makeovers, yar?

[15:48:41] <Georgia> LOL yeah!

[15:48:52] <Fluttershy> :P

[15:49:34] <Rarity> I think I might have offended him.

[15:49:35] Mike hides

[15:49:40] <Rarity> How unfortunate.

[15:49:46] <Rarity> ... that said. I can't offend myself.

[15:49:58] Fluttershy is confused now. :P

[15:50:00] Applejack Licks Mike.

[15:50:07] <Fluttershy> Oh. Dear. God.

[15:50:08] <Mike> :O

[15:50:10] Applejack Tenderly.

[15:50:20] Mike could get used to this tbh

[15:50:25] <Mike> :P

[15:50:26] <Applejack> ;)

[15:50:29] <Georgia> :|

[15:50:40] <Rarity> I, unlike Applejack, have far too much decency to lick one.

[15:50:59] <Rarity> Disgusting habit

[15:51:03] Applejack Shats on Rarity for having too much decency.

[15:51:09] <Rarity> MY MANE!

[15:51:12] <Rarity> YOU BITCH!

[15:51:17] <Applejack> :):)

[15:51:28] Fluttershy notes that the last 15 minutes of chat has ALL been Wiki-worthy. :P

[15:51:41] <Applejack> HEY EVERYONE.

[15:51:46] <Applejack> :)

[15:51:52] <Rarity> Piss off yo' bitch.

[15:51:56] <Rarity> Stealing my screen-time.

[15:52:05] <Fluttershy> Rarity uses full-stops <3

[15:52:12] <Fluttershy> ... nice tactic there, Mike.

[15:52:19] <Fluttershy> ... make people think that it's me. :P

[15:52:20] Applejack Shoots out another load of shat for Rarity's mane.

[15:52:32] <Rarity> I shall not tolerate such behaviour.

[15:52:37] <Applejack> You just did.:)

[15:52:47] <Rarity> I shall report you to the appropriate authorities.

[15:52:50] <Applejack> :D

[15:53:07] <Rarity> You whore.

[15:53:10] <Applejack> ;)

[15:53:17] <Applejack> You luurrrvveee it really.

[15:53:38] <Rarity> I do not.

[15:53:46] <Applejack> You do.

[15:54:12] <Rarity> I shall not enter a fruitless debate in which I am arguing regarding my own opinion.

[15:54:16] <Rarity> I am aware of my opinion.

[15:54:19] <Rarity> You are not.

[15:54:34] Fluttershy chants "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

[15:55:10] Rarity has quit (Client exited).

[15:55:11] Applejack Can't really be bothered to figure out what Rarity just said, so pukes up a load of carrots.

[15:55:16] <Fluttershy> ^ Rage quit. :P

[01:31:59] Jem8472 pokes Joelios lifeless body with a stick

[01:32:17] <Jem8472> Nope dead

[01:45:31] <Jen> I'll get naked on webcam Joelio

[01:45:40] <Ogoid> pics or gtfo!

[23:47:30] <Scott> Wet t-shirt compy for Project Balloon

[23:47:38] <Ogoid> YES!

[23:47:38] <&Chris> I like this idea

[23:47:40] <Mike> ^^^tthis!

[20:09:32] Magrathea reappears at the mention of estrogen

[21:12] <D4n> ... shame Ian changed his username.
[21:13] <Joel|Phone> Right
[21:13] <Joel|Phone> Gwazi reopening
[21:13] <Joel|Phone> So. Off again
[21:13] <D4n> It's shit.
[21:13] <Joel|Phone> Laters!
[21:13] <D4n> ... but have fun! :P
[21:14] *** D4n has been kicked by Crabbe (You're shit tbh (Joel))

[16:31] <Georgia> Other ways to get kicked?

[16:31] <Georgia> Cunt

[16:31] <Georgia> Shit

[16:31] <Georgia> Fuck

[16:31] <Georgia> Bastard

[16:31] *** D4n joined #tt

[16:31] <Jonathan> Bollocks

[16:31] <D4n> ...

[16:31] <Jonathan> Oops...

[16:31] <Georgia> LOL

[16:31] <D4n> How rude!

22:40 AdamJames Hi Jordan

22:41 AdamJames Are you riding a virgin atm?

(after silly blabbering about MAP's)

22:43 Jordan||train The one I'm riding is rather slow and dirty tonight

[21:57] <Aly> I'm just a horny person Stu :P

[23:59] <Joelio> To me, sperm is like robinsons cordial.

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