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A Sosche (Pronounced sooch, not sosh) is the new broad and generic term for any type of TST gathering, a shortened version of 'social', it is either loved or loathed by the TS Community.

It was coined in 2011 as a sophisticated replacement for the often hierarchical and divisive 'Meets', of which you can have a Mono Meet, a Nano Meet, a Micro Meet, a Mini Meet, a Meet, an Official Meet and a Mega Meet. All of these could also simply be classed as a Sosche.

However, a problem that truly makes a Sosche appear unwelcome to those who have not yet learnt the ways of the forum, is that they are regularly sharers of in-jokes, hostility (unfortunately enough) and other private commodities. It has also been proven that there is a erratic confusion between a 'Sosche' and a 'Meet' especially at the same time. Officials on the matter have nothing to really share to help prevent this confusion other than, That's HAWT!

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