How Balsdon Stole Christmas

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"How Balsdon Stole Christmas"


Every member in Towersstreet loves Christmas a lot,

However the nefarious Mister Balsdon did not.

Jonathon Balsdon with a grumble and frown,

Gazed down at the folk in their brightly lit town.

"Look at those idiots" he snarled as he said,

"Dressed up all garish in blue and in red"

Balsdon hates Christmas, nay the whole time of year,

From up on his mountain, detached from the cheer.

"with the town deep asleep, with Santa and deer,

I'll break into their houses and make off with their gear"

Sneaking into each house enacting the foul plot,

Balsdon takes every box, every package the lot.

From the man known as Dave, he takes a basket of cheese,

From Diogo a pirate costume, that brings Balsdon to his knees.

From Sam Gregory he takes something odd in a box,

And from Mister Boyce fourteen thousand Lego blocks.

From Astrodan he took seventeen children's textbooks and then,

from Will Gardner they took his review writing pen!

Much more was stolen that night i must say,

however i cant keep rhyming all day!

Hours had passed, and dawn would soon peak,

Whilst Balsdon continued to trespass and sneak.

He returned up the mount, with his presents in tow,

And his cave was stuffed to near overflow.

"I have all their presents, their gifts and their toys!

Now i have them, we've stolen their joy!"

He rushed down the mountain, night fades from the sky,

As all the members, rubbed sleep from their eyes...

They soon discovered what had occurred in the night,

But their was no crying, no signs of their Plight.

From out of their homes, they filled fountain square,

And Astrodan stepped forward, hands raised in the air.

"where our gifts have gone i really don't know,

But we still have each other, and the new fallen snow."

The dastardly Balsdon stepped forward, not sure what to say,

But in came the cops on a motorized sleigh.

"stop right there" an officer shouts, all eyes turned to see

"we caught that villain on CCTV!

They broke into your homes, you insidious slime!

The guilty always return to the scene of the crime!"

Although Balsdon got away in the ensuing chase,

All the gifts where returned, from safe in his base.

But what happened to Balsdon, well on Towersstreet they say,

The warrant for his arrest grew three sizes that day.

Whether Happy or Merry, a good Christmas to you,

from all the Towerstreet members, the old and the new!"

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