There's Something in the Dungheap

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also known as Theres Summat in t'duneap


The Dungheap is one of Alton Towers longest planned attractions, from 1996 when the Alton Towers Hotel opened (and later Splash Landings) all the waste from the toilets has been collected and stored until 2006 when construction on the poopile began. One cleaner single-handedly collated all the poo (removing any wet or mishapen poo) then slapped it all next to the Riverbank ride.


Within the actual poopile is a projector which displays images of naked women every ten minutes and naked men on the hour - its a family resort you know. Beyond the main poopile is the furthest extension of the Rita queue-line, like the rest of the Rita queue it is just a wooden fence. Bog - an actual bog with a zip wire suspended above it, caution, it children dropped in the bog cannot be collected until the end of the day. Tarmac - all children love it. Bins - somewhere to throw your waste (except human waste, please add this to the poopile)

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