Grammar Nazis

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Grammar Nazis appear everywhere in the world. Like God but not really, usually appearing over the internet in IRC Chatrooms, hounding n00bs on their latest fail.

They believe it is in their duty to correct any grammar and possibly spelling mistakes, even if they end up mispelling the word themselves which is equally a fail to themselves. BUT being Grammar Nazis, they claim it was on purpose and thus creates a semi-Troll complex.

The GN Situation

Sometimes the mispeller will attack back at the Grammar Nazi out of annoyance or possibly because even they refuse to believe they have made a big bloody spelling mistake. Of course the Grammar Nazi will hit back in accordance with their 'duty', often creating a catastrophic and un-needed battle between the two.

If both the mispeller and the Grammar Nazi fail to spell something right, then often a third person will come in and totally correct it to perfection. This regularly leads to both the mispeller and the Grammar Nazi to team up and 'challenge' the 'guy who knows everything'.

Advice On Avoiding GNs

If you have a tendency to mispell, either -

  • A Use a spell checker
  • B Buy yourself a dictionary
  • C Use both of the above

If you are a Grammar Nazi -

  • A Don't make it so obvious
  • B Don't start a war
  • C If the person doesn't listen, leave them to their own mistakes

If you are the third person -

  • Just spell correctly and walk away very, very, VERY fast

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