Riverbank Eye Spy

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Revision as of 07:27, 26 October 2010 by CoasterCrazyChris (Talk | contribs)

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Riverbank Eye Spy used to be a magical and subdued, yet educational romp around a farmyard. Riders take position on a boat that leads them around a forgotten swamp somewhere between Alton Towers and The Dungheap. Features include: a selection of buttons that can be pressed to trigger loud, annoying, rage-inducing sound effects; and a wooden bar positioned perfectly to hit your head on when the boat stops. Riverbank Eye Spye has since gained a cult following from the bee enthusiast community and is very popular with the few remaining people who think rabbits say "BOING".

Animal Crisis and Cover-Up Plan

Until 2001, the ride featured many real, and very lovely, farmyard animals. However, this was not to last. The 2001 foot and mouth crisis led to the enforced cull of all the lovely, cute, cuddly-wuddly sheep, rabbits, chickens and cows. Ah, that patented Alton Towers magic! Two dimensional cardboard animals were quickly installed to stop any visitors noticing the fact that all the reals ones had been culled. The Tussaudes Art Department paid particular attention to the pathetic and 'half-arsed' appearance of these replacements.

However, the cardboard props were short lived, since when Merlin Entertainments Ltd gained control of th park they thought two dimensions was, like, so last year. New, three-dimensional props were designd to replace the previous set. The ride reopened in 2007, with the tagline: "This ride is now so cool that you have to see it in 3D!"

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