Storm Surge

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Revision as of 19:28, 27 October 2010 by DanDan (Talk | contribs)

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Storm Surge is a second hand ride from Cypress Gardens in Florida, a travelling rapids ride that has been recently 'bought' *cough*STOLEN*cough* for Thorpe Park's hopeful gain to soak the chav nation even more in 2011. Because it is second hand, it is ridiculously doubtful that the ride will not be repainted for the park, purely so it can stands out on the horizon... just to ruin it.

The ride's concept artwork features many features such as water guns and tipping buckets. Ride before May 2011 if you want to experience these, because it won't take long for them to break and it may take a while for them to be fixed. Expect each tipping bucket to be named as an attraction on the <nowikiThorpe Park website, so it looks like they have the same amount of rides as they did before demolishing the much-loved Octopus Gardens area, much like the Cariba Creek webpage, where the Tipping Bucket is listed as an attraction to hide the fact they haven't added anything new.

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