TST Chat

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Chat is another page on TowersTimes for members and guests to interact through the use of internet instant messaging, used for these sole purposes: Chat, slam, annoy, tease and posting random rubbish. The chatroom is a regular buyer in Canned Laughter as well as Tumbleweed, both being part of the regular Chat routine if particular members are being failures at jokes or the room is just too quiet.

It was installed in the 1800s after the moderators and administrators of the TTF found that a large small proportion of members couldn't be bothered out of laziness to actually post IN the forums themselves. This included some of the moderators and administrators too.

TTF Chat is admittedly responsible for the jokes: Splat, Where's Waldey and VAN, the latter of which was caused by a certain drunken Admin. There are more jokes around but these are the only ones bothered enough to appear so far.

TTF Chat ranges, when you appear in the room, between mere childishness and absolute immaturity and very rarely hitting the serious. Although when it comes to that level, some member has to say something very immature to bring back Chat into its normal levels.

Who knows what'll happen if there is a serious Chat session for more than a hour, maybe the world will spontaenously combust? Or Mack will cease to exist? Will John Wardley be turned into a lady and spend more time fussing over what shoes to wear on-park? Or perhaps Thorpe Park will be loved and admired by all?

Oh... the horrible possibilities are endless! Oh the humanity!

In order to be more 'savvy' and understandable with TowersTimes members who stay within the realms of Chat and speak utter things you wouldn't understand, then please direct yourself to the GeNeDo Diagram, which sums up the demographic of members.

Epic Quotez

[01:42] <Joelio> i'm a bit of a nob

[22:47] Diogo: after a hard days riding you need a proper bed

[22:14] DannyJ: had swim in my mates poo today

Kamfira: I can go to very far lengths!

[22:37] * Vezza gets on her knees

[01:16] <Joel_II> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_III> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_I> lets see how this works out

[01:16] <Joel_II> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_II> lets see how this works out

[01:16] <Joel_I> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_III> lets see how this works out

[01:16] <Joel_II> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_II> lets see how this works out

[01:16] <Joel_III> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_I> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_II> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_I> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_I> me and my?

[01:16] <Joel_II> me and my?

[01:30] <DannyJ> why doesnt nemesis fall of its track ?

[09:45] <Joel> It's all foookin Bill's fault.

[22:25] <Rowe> Seriously, no female will want Joelio-repellant

[23:44] <DannyJ> can i bee the lanky suport slaper ?

[21:52] Rowe: RUN FOR YOUR LIVES.

[21:53] michael: Why Rowe?

[21:53] Rowe: Joelio's in the roooooooooooooooooooom!

[21:53] Mitch: Well... there's round 2 of "Strangest things to hear on joining TT Chat"

[21:05] Dorsia left the chat room.

[21:05] Joelio: Hey Dorsia

[21:05] Joelio: Oh shit


[21:05] Air_Dan: That is all.

[23:41] Craig: half price virgin ftw :P

[23:34] <zs_chris> you obviously do not understand the complications of the aviation industry.

[23:34] <zs_chris> I could be a vital part of my job.

[23:34] <zs_chris> it*

[23:35] <Joelio> Lol, I think you're the most vital part of your job

[23:38] * Ogoid|drunk|cooking|NOM is scared by the quantity of tequila and Vodka he has consumed in the past week


[00:36] <Aly> "Oh wardley wardley, how was I supposed to know. That Th13teen was a kids ride. Someone from the marketing team told me. It was was a thril seekers ride wardley, thats why I marketed it so" *

  • To the tune of "Hit my baby one more time"

[23:49] <Rowe> I could go at it in bed for hours

[00:28] <Rowe> Glomping me will only prolong your time in bed

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