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Rita is an Intamin launched roller coaster, whose popularity remains astonishingly undimished six years after its installation in 2005. It opened as the world's first roller coaster with a woman's name, and accelerates from 0 to 100kph in less time than a car Nick Varney can afford (as of 2011).

Previously located in Ug Land, it was re-themed for the Dark Forest's arrival in 2010 in a project that included two cans of 1974 Ford British Burgundy spray paint, twelve mutilated artificial Christmas trees and a glue gun.

The ride's voice at launch, previously provided by Tiff Needell (whose voice goes very strange when he shouts), is that of Keith Richards of the The Rolling Stones.

The staff that man the on-ride photo stall are the most athletic wwithin Alton Towers and are capable of going from operating the till to swiping your mobile phone (preventing you from taking pictures of the video screens) in 1.8 seconds.

Rita is sponsored by the Car Cleaning Company, who cleaned the ride's trains prior to the start of the 2010 season.

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