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Submission is a cruel and misanthropic flat ride, located at Alton Towers. It is considered by many to be "a complete load of old bollocks", however, this claim is hard to verify as approximately only 3 people have ever ridden it... and one of those was "for a dare".


Submission was developed in secret under the codename 'SW4.5' (Sore Willy 4.5) and inflicted upon an unwitting public in 2001. It is thought by many to have inspired Thorpe Park's eventual collection of twisted torture devices aimed at the "young teen" demographic.

While labelled as a "Chance Double Inverter", it is nothing of the kind.
"I'll only ride it if you do."
The mythical 'second arm' (a topic which was found in a recent study to constitute approximately 68% of all posting of TTF) is a fake, or 'dummy' arm, installed to give the impression of a popular, high capacity, queue munching visual spectacle. It has never worked. Nor will it ever. Ever. So stop going on about it.

In its distinguished history, Submission (the name being a throwback to an ill-fated sponsorship deal with Subway) has thrilled literally... some guests.

Recent Controversy

Submission recently hit the headlines, when incredibly reliable and accurate scientific studies found that it increased riders' chances of developing a combination of paranoid schizophrenia and diarrhoea by as much as 93%.


Submission is known to be the favourite ride of BNP leader Nick Griffin.

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