Tom Baker

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Pinned down by this giant structure, it tries to escape, STEAMING ANGER... So I asked if the poor dear would like a jelly baby for comfort.

Tom Baker, otherwise known as the Fourth Doctor in Doctor Who, The Doctor, Doctor Who and that narrator on Little Britain, is one of Britain's national treasures and one of the most benevolent, hammy voices living in the world.

Now despite his fame as the Time Lord from the 1970s, he is much more worshipped upon by theme park enthusiasts for his narration on the full story of Nemesis at Alton Towers and is named a deity alongside fellow dulcet toned Jim Carter.

It is a wonder how Tom became the story narration for a pinned down extraterrestrial at a rural moorlands park in the North Midlands, and it has even been wondered if God and Tom ever met...

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