Vast Empty Nothingness
Vast Empty Nothingness is what the TST Wiki is like during long quiet periods. These periods usually occur if: there are no recent deaths on Maurer Söhne spinning coasters; there are no recent Alton Towers publicity stunts by she-who-cannot-be-named; the clever snowflakes on Alton Towers's Facebook page have recently shown signs of intelligence; perhaps the TST Funny Funnies have been on holiday (or can't be bothered).
The war on nothingness
It is our duty to seek out and destroy any remaining signs of Vast Empty Nothingness. Go. Go! Write an article! Make a notice in the ShoutingBox™! And include as many in-jokes as possible, just to make the newbies even more alienated. Make us laugh until our crows go numb! Do it my friend, we must not let the TST Wiki fall into the lonely, soul-less hands of Nothingness ever again.