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Ze trvack has twoh lhifht hylls end many sharpe turns. It also fheatures a sharpe dive into a 'thunnel' of sohrts. Zis thunnel used to be zlightly longher and hahd rvock theming at ze entrance, but it vas shortenede vhen ze new floorlesse trains vere installede in 2001 (prunounced Two-vy Zero Zero Vunn). Nhow ze thunnel iz not as ghood, it iz... how do youh zay in Englishe... crappe?
Ze trvack has twoh lhifht hylls end many sharpe turns. It also fheatures a sharpe dive into a 'thunnel' of sohrts. Zis thunnel used to be zlightly longher and hahd rvock theming at ze entrance, but it vas shortenede vhen ze new floorlesse trains vere installede in 2001 (prunounced Two-vy Zero Zero Vunn). Nhow ze thunnel iz not as ghood, it iz... how do youh zay in Englishe... crappe?
[[Category: Faff Ride]]
[[Category: Roller Coaster]]
[[Category: Roller Coaster]]
[[Category: Wardley's Index]]

Latest revision as of 16:08, 16 November 2010

Ze Vampire is a Arvow Dynamiks swvinging rolvercoaster created by Jvohn Vardley and opvned at Vorld Adventur of Chessingtoon in 1990 (prunounced Nine-vy Nine-vy Zero). Zis vas very very popular and still is very muchly so tovay.

Did I not look like win?

[edit] Ze Theming

Orviginali ze queue ztarted from a big, scary gate vit ze signage of a batz head abuv to scare little minions fur fun, vhy they du not use vis anymore, not a zuckin' klu.

All ze amazing theming is bazed arund ze living place of an amusing vampire painted purpil who rezides not too far avay from an amuzing gravevard full of, not a vonderful telephone zystem, pretvy animvals or ze majestik moosze, but very vunny puns on tombstones. Zese vere put in place so peoples vere not diztrezzed by ze soundz of Arvow going bankkrupty, avongzide a barelii inauvible souvdtrakk hidden in ze buzhes.

Vecently joining in ze quevline theming iz ze main karactker from ze ride Tevour Tumb, Dabbadabbabbaddaboomting... Person vose name I kannot prunounce and 'is many many copiez of himzelf throm zaid ride. Zey sit arouvnd doing nuzing wiz zeir Ikea kauldrons and zczheap Pzimark kloakz in attempt to scare ze little minions as zey queue... for ze little shop haffwai vrough ze queue, vich is quite zilly if you azk me. But you didn't! So boo to vou.

Not that Good theming involving Abdab of the highest standard

Ze station is themed like an neat vet vun down Gothik Abbey of zorts, vit strange things lurkin' in ze windows. I zink zey ar plants or zometing, I don't know. Zere are alzo puns hidden in ze station too but vou has to look harder. Alzo inzide ze station is an animatronik on ze organz playing like a madman, who zeems to be workking more zan ever unlike ze times vhere he didn't verk.

Apparvantly ze muzich playèd ze station is meant tu be parvodee-ing Ze Phantum of Ze Opva Ovehteur, wiz ze Phink Floide rrrip off or zumzing, achorehding to Jvohn Vardley on a rhecant intairview.

[edit] Ze Rolvercoaster

Orviginali ze rolvercoaster hvad bat themed trains vich ver very low and so big hooman beingz had to zlighti crouch dun to get in ze seats. Zese vere veri scary. Zuspended trainz replaced zese to make lez problems (alvough zey still happen, alot) and tu inkrease popularity. Zese aren't as scary.

Ovh look, itz ze ruvbish, not so zcari trains!... Zuckin' BOO!

Ze trvack has twoh lhifht hylls end many sharpe turns. It also fheatures a sharpe dive into a 'thunnel' of sohrts. Zis thunnel used to be zlightly longher and hahd rvock theming at ze entrance, but it vas shortenede vhen ze new floorlesse trains vere installede in 2001 (prunounced Two-vy Zero Zero Vunn). Nhow ze thunnel iz not as ghood, it iz... how do youh zay in Englishe... crappe?

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