Wardley's Tunnels

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Well... what can we say? John Wardley loves his tunnels.

Long... deep... dark... tunnels...

Short... narrow... rather light reflecting... knee splatting tunnels....

It's true! It may just be a odd fetish of his in some ways, but we still bow down to his Godlike powers and guns.

Look at:

Particular Wardley's Tunnels

  • Vampire - It haz von vlong tunnvel!
  • Bubbleworks - Basically one long, dark yet covered in UV paint tunnel.
  • Haunted House - Trommels Tunnel. Trommel's medium sized, rotating wall through a skull-like mouth... tunnel. That is all.
  • Nemesis - 2 in total. Considered his sexiest tunnels.
  • Air - 2, including the entrance tunnel to the lift hill. That latter is not so much a sexy tunnel.
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