In the Hall of the Mountain King

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'In The Hall of The Mountain King' (ITHOTMK) is a piece of classical music by Edward Grieg, lodged deep within the brains of every Alton Towers enthusiast. Extremeley catchy, and very hummable (if that is, indeed, a word) and is a symbol of respect for all fans, as it was adopted by Alton as their theme. Whenever it is STOLEN by companies for adverts, it is quite normal for a reflex action to occur where your neck snaps up and you begin to sing/hum/warble along. Loudly. This may be humiliating at first but there is no way to avoid it, and it the embarassment is to be overcome if you want to be a real fan. Go on, do it. Right now. It's a dare. Hum it, sing it, do it however you want. Go for it. Doesn't that feel better? Good.

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