Wiki Whip

From TowersStreet Wiki
Revision as of 13:40, 15 December 2010 by DanDan (Talk | contribs)

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The Wiki Whip in action.

The Wiki Whip is used by the Queen of the Wiki to enforce rules of the Wiki and to make sure that all articles on the Wiki do their duty of amusement and intrigue. If an article is seen to have been touched by the Wiki Whip by 100 plus words, it evidently means something was terribly wrong with the article and had to be changed for the sake of the Wikipedia.

The Wiki Whip may also be used in accordance with the supreme Ban-Gavel, that the Queen of the Wiki uses which needs no explanation and the Deletion Dagger, which is used to give terrible bad and unnecessary articles a slow and painful quick and painless trip to the afterlife.

Grammar Nazis won't stand for writing mistakes... and nor will our beloved Queen.

If the Wiki Whip is used against you, then there is little point in fighting back as in the end, the Wiki Whip will always win!

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