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Those who dare to ride Valerie speak much of its wetness.

Valhalla (colloquially known as Valerie or Mandy's Warehouse O'Water) is a corrugated warehouse taken from a nearby industrial estate in Blackpool, and placed within the confines of Mandyland Resort. Noticing their current Log Flume was falling apart, the park decided to design the wettest ride in the country, and open it in the wettest county of England. This is how Valhalla came about. The ride is well within the bounds of Unacceptable Wetness.

Rumoured to make a profit on rain mac sales alone, this ride has two purposes - to wet you to the skin, and to break the record for the world's first unreliable warehouse flume. Guinness have been unable to verify the record, however it is a commonplace fact that Valhalla regularly breaks down due to water getting into the sensors.. (Who would have thought it on a water ride, eh?) Should you survive the ride without chavs chucking ice at you in the snow room or being burnt alive in the fire room, you may wish to purchase an on-ride photo, which captures riders at the most important point of your experience - the end.