TST Skype

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Every now and then other day, TTFers from all ends of the country meet on Skype when TTF Chat just doesn't cut it. This usually creates spoken drivel through to the early hours of the following morning.


- Diogo: Oh, hang on, it just got bigger - what do I do?!?!?

- Diogo: I don't want to know where you're rubbing that...

- Cheese: Is that a rat sitting on your sofa thing, Diogo?

- Islander: No, I think you'll find that's Kelpie...

- Kelpie Waves at Cheese

- [a little while later]

- Cheese: It is almost justified, to be honest. Err, err, I mean the wiki page, not calling Kelpie a rat!

- Sasquatch: "You can't have a group as large as TTF without someone catching Chlamydia"

- Chris: "It's a good day when I don't have tits"

- Cap'n Ogoid: I think I've been drinking too much lately

- Cap'n Ogoid swigs beer

- Sam:

There once was a woman called Hills,

At Chessington she sought her thrills,

Her relationship with Diogo

Was like riding a TOGO,

She's just in it for his RCT skills

- John:

It's pictures. You can't wank over pictures.

- Diogo:

I have nothing against cheese on sausage. But a cheesey sausage, on the other hand, is not something you'd want to encounter...

[02:20:25] Jenna: and it's less offensive than some of the other things they call me
[02:20:43] Jenna: I'm not telling you
[02:20:52] Joelio: Lets work them out...
[02:20:52] Jenna: because you'll then use them
[02:20:57] Joelio: Jenson?
[02:21:02] Joelio: Johannson?
[02:21:10] Joelio: Johannasberg?
[02:21:17] Joelio: Jopperberg

[02:21:25] Jenna: what is with all the giant/big connotations Dan?
[02:21:29] Jenna: what are you trying to say?
[02:21:43] Jenna: but fat ones always seem to come to ur mind
[02:21:56] Jenna: well that's easy to see
[02:23:06] Jenna: idiot
[02:23:10] Jenna: pig jokes now
[02:23:48] Jenna: oh god and we're back to the time of the month again

[02:25:21] Jenna: just Dan is on hitlist atm
[02:25:28] Jenna: for calling me a bitch and fat
[02:25:44] Joelio: I suppose Dan did plump for some bad comments.
[02:26:05] Joelio: Its a big ask, making him shut up.
[02:26:09] Jenna: that's just brilliant
[02:26:21] Joelio: Just take everything with a large pinch of salt.
[02:26:37] Jenna: Joelio you can fuck off too
[02:27:00] Joelio: He's obese of a bad bunch ;)
[02:27:26] Jenna: yeh right
[02:28:20] Joelio: Lol, i'm in stitches here
[02:28:45] Joelio: Jennas been tooting her horn... in the big gastric band in the sky
[02:28:52] Jenna: JOELIO!
[02:29:01] Joelio: I can't stomach this anymore
[02:29:04] Jenna: I'm gonna kill you
[02:29:13] Jenna: fucker
[02:29:28] Joelio: Jonna you must ride with me on Congo River Lipids :D
[02:29:35] Jenna: I'm not gonna ride anything with you
[02:29:51] Jordan: You can take the 'with' out of your sentence Joelio :P
[02:29:57] Jenna: urgh
[02:30:05] Joelio: Whatever floats your fat boat
[02:30:10] Jenna: cheek!
[02:30:19] Jordan: Lots and lots of cheek tbh :P
[02:30:23] Jenna: Jordan!
[02:30:45] Jenna: right I'm coming to Scarefest now, fuck the mazes
[02:31:00] Jenna: Dan!
[02:31:05] Jenna: ur STILL making fat jokes
[02:31:42] Jenna: JORDAN
[02:31:53] Joelio: weight a minute, what is this?
[02:31:53] Jordan: :-P
[02:31:58] Jenna: JOELIO!
[02:32:12] Joelio: Look what i've pound, another fat joke.
[02:32:17] Jenna: ur a shit
[02:32:23] Jordan: She'll kilo you, Joel ;)
[02:32:27] Joelio: :P
[02:32:33] Joelio: Mass one now.
[02:32:42] Jenna: Dan that was dire
[02:32:51] Jordan: *diet
[02:32:56] Joelio: Lol
[02:33:01] Jenna: maybe you should just shush and leave it to the experts

[1:09:52 AM] Rowe White: "What shall we do with a sodded Ogoid? What shall we do with a sodded Ogoid? What shall we do with a sodded Ogoid EARLY on the Skype-morn!" :P

[02:42 AM] towersfreak: "If I had a vagina, I wouldn't be here right now. I would be upstairs fingering myself."


T*o the tune of Oh Christmas Tree*

Oh Pedobear, Oh Pedobear,

Why are you looking over there?

Oh Pedobear, Oh Pedobear,

Why are you looking over there?

Was that a young girl that you saw,

That you could go touch with your paw?

Oh Pedobear, Oh Pedobear,

Why are you looking over there?

[9:02:40 PM] Joelio: I would wildly bum rice pudding, if forced

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