Meet-Up Fees

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Meet-Up Fees is a payment made towards the TT Team before or during a meet, as a way of keeping a respectable control upon TTFers and their finances.

All Meet-Up Fees include VAT and do not accept MAP discount.


The Fee Origins


The Not So Secret Team Meeting Crossroads

Rumours of the Meet-Up Fees were circulating since the late Noughties, when the amount of members on a Meet began growing at an unusual pace and causing stress in the Team as they didn't imagine that many people would attend.

It just so happened at the same time, fellow theme park and coaster forums began charging a respectable amount of money to their members, causing questions by TTFers if that were to happen to their beloved Meets. Of course the Team denied this move many times.

However, claims over time began suggesting imminent Meet-Up Fees after a Team member in 2009 let slip of a Secret Meet at the holy hidden crossroads in Alton, after showing photos of the Team having fun playing on calculators for teh lulz.

Official Release

On the 5th February 2011 at precisely 10:44 GMT, the Meet-Up Fees were announced by a Moderator:

"Please note this meet will be charged at £5.87 per member plus VAT at the prevailing rate. As of 2011, TowersTimes has taken the unprecedented step of showing all meet up fees before VAT is applied.

For details on how your meet up fees are spent, please contact a member of the Alton Towers team at Ma Garritas, the Dragon or Captains Bars.

Many thanks."


This was met with a mixed response of praise and criticism from members across the TT-spectrum, including fear from newbies, but mainly praise from those who could afford such a fee.

It was rumoured among many the reason why the Team have created the fee, is to compete with other well known theme park forums who also require a payment towards their respective holy leaders who, as we all know, need the money for their own holidays the upkeep of the forum. It is also said that the Team chose to create the fee out of control upon TTFers who are well known spenders on meets, causing imminent faff at shops and eateries.

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