Gloomy Wood

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Gloomy Wood is known to many as a ride area situated between Katanga Canyon and Forbidden Valley, helming the famous The Haunted House exterior as well as the dull-laser-added-ride Duel... which is helmed by the said exterior. It is also known as being home to a broken smoke machine which hides itself among the trees, which sometimes fails at its attempts to spook the visitors by smoking up the wrong closed section of the queue.

However, it is known as a covered up fact by Alton Towers that it is an actual graveyard for those who have tried to defy the park's status as well as those threatening to reveal every Secret Weapon every four years before the ride has officially started construction. The defiance does apply to chavs, but instead of being buried alive they are eaten by the Giant Squid.

The Haunted Hollow can be possibly counted as part of Gloomy Wood because the theming is particularly similar, and because neither are actually scary. You could also say the Haunted Hollow is the Gloomy Wood scrapyard. No really. Just look at it!

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