Wardley's Tunnels

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Well... what can we say? John Wardley loves his tunnels.

Long... deep... dark... tunnels...

Short... narrow... rather light reflecting... knee splatting tunnels....

It's true! It may just be an odd fetish of his in some ways, but we still bow down to his Godlike powers and guns.

Look at:

Particular Wardley's Tunnels

  • Vampire - It haz von vlong tunnvel!
  • Bubbleworks - Basically one long, dark yet covered in UV paint tunnel.
  • Haunted House - Tunnel of Doom A medium sized, rotating depiction of Hell entered through a skull-like effigy... tunnel. That is all.
  • Nemesis - 2 in total. Considered his sexiest tunnels.
  • Air - 2, including the entrance tunnel to the lift hill. That latter is not so much a sexy tunnel.

Less well known, not necessarily Wardley tunnels

  • Frog Hopper. The entrance, or even existence of this tunnel was a complete mystery until it was discovered by the RMT on that messy night at the Weathervane when Thirteen was created. What, you didn't know about that?
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