Runaway Mine Train

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"It's not exactly 'runaway', is it? It's still on the track, so really it should just be called Mine Train" - Young visitor, circa Summer 2010

The Runaway Mine Train is situated in Katanga Canyon alongside Congo River Rapids, and is themed around a... er.. non-existent mine.

Yes, it's quite evidential isn't it? By the name.

It is admired by both enthusiasts and all those who host and operate the ride during open season. It is in fact admired so much that a ride op coined the phrase Choo Choo! to signify the love and devotion given. The Runaway Train staff at Chessington World of Adventures have tried to steal this catchphrase, but thanks to the underground spies of Alton Towers stationed in Surrey, this has been amicably solved.

Ride is themed around a mine its a f**king one that is very overestimated called Alton Vill Mine Tours. how many times have you ridden this ride YOU HAVENT RID IT!!! Nobody rides it. There are also rumors that this is going to be a room for raping people next year while they say Choo Choo.

Scandal and Rumours

It has been agreed by many fans that the ride is essentially Th13teen without the 'freefall drop' towards the end. Some believe RMT is just better than Th13teen because of this one little extra. And in Closed Season 2008 legend, it has been rumoured that TH13TEEN is the RMT and Frog Hopper's love child; sadly neither ride has commented on this.