Runaway Mine Train

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"It's not exactly 'runaway', is it? It's still on the track, so really it should just be called Mine Train" - Young visitor, circa Summer 2010

Runaway Mine Train situates in Katanga Canyon alongside Congo River Rapids and is themed around a... er.. non existent mine.

Yes, it's quite evidential isn't it? By the name.

It is admired by many enthusiasts and by all those who host and operate the ride during open season. It is in fact admired so much, that a ride op coined the phrase Choo Choo to signify the love and devotion given. The Runaway Train at Chessington World of Adventures have tried to steal this catchphrase but thanks to the underground spies of Alton Towers stationed in Surrey, this has been amicably solved.

A Demi God's Undermined Creation

The ride's track and supports were hand built by Roland Mack himself, using nothing more than an arc welder, and several tonnes of scrap metal. It was also assembled overnight by him, and a little help from John Wardley's Guns. It was then painted by the entire Mack family, and staff at Alton Towers, meaning the ride was planned, constructed, and running in under a week. Whilst the train appears to be driven by an electrical system, it is infact powered by magical forces (Good ones), which only Mack have truly harnessed for their wonderful needs as the world's best manufacturer.

To this day you wil be able to spot Roland's tell tale sign on each of the supports; The inscription Roland woz ere '92. Over the years, the Chav population have added to this message with their own adaptations, completely overwhelmed by the power that Mack secretly included within the inscribe.

However, it is God's belief that this ruins the magic, so is always quick to respond with his trusty brush and tin of brown paint.

Not many realise, but the ride train is in fact a geniune British Rail locomotive which retired in 1990 as it was believed to go too fast for a moden day rail network. Towers Management pounced upon this and adapted it to meet their needs. At the same time a second, first class train was bought. It is rumored to lurk within a secret chamber of the tunnel, and is bought out only on God's birthday, when one lucky enthusiast will have the pleasure of riding alongside him.

This hidden beauty within the realms of Alton Towers has led to TowersTimes nicknaming RMT, Roland's Love Train.

Choo Choo!

Scandal and Rumours

It has been agreed by many fans that the ride is essentially Th13teen without the 'freefall drop' towards the end, some believe RMT is just better than Thi3teen because of this one little extra. And in Closed Season 2008 legend, it has been rumoured that TH13TEEN is the RMT and Frog Hopper's love child but sadly neither ride has commented on this.

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