Theme Park Withdrawal

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An example of an upset TowersTimes member, once finding out it was the last day during open season.

Theme Park Withdrawal is a condition which affects many roller coaster enthusiasts day in and day out. It originates in the temporal lobe of the brain shortly after departure from a theme park, in particular those located on the Staffordshire moorlands and when it is the dreaded closed season. The condition may be intensified by post-Meets trauma, especially if last meet had over 15+ members, in which those enthusiasts would feel slightly screwed and feeling as if they're having a technical delay.




  • A desire for escapism
  • A desire for Theatrical Brilliance
  • A need for faff anywhere - This may include creating a queue/downtime in the kitchen or an indecisive nature on what to buy from the local off-license.

Serious Specifics

  • Continuous humming of different ride music, including Alton Towers' theme music.
  • Creation of multiple Youtube playlists for different theme parks, including sneaky POVs, TTF meets and documentaries.
  • Memorisation of ride backstories, announcements, sound effects and catchy rollercoaster/ride noises.
  • Using Meet language and speech patterns in public speaking.


There is no permanent cure for this Withdrawal during closed season, as obviously during open season you would visit a theme park to get rid of those blues on a cold Autumn night in 1821- *Facepalm*... Anyway...

However, the closest temporary cures that exist are:

  • Visiting fairs and places that happen to have theme park tendencies.
  • Drinking from various theme park mugs.
  • Wearing theme park/rollercoaster/ride branded clothing.
  • Using ANYTHING theme park branded including books, stationary and infamous condoms.
  • Writing amusing things about various rides, rollercoasters, theme parks and the related... Oh wait.

It is said scientists and doctors are working together alongside God, in order to create The Ultimate Cure with the tag "All the cures you ever wanted in one!"- no wait, hang on... Anyway, nobody knows what they are concocting... Nobody knows what they plan... There are theories and then... there is lege- *SLAPS SELF*

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