Alternative ride names

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According to the bizarre and convoluted unwritten rules of TTF meet ups, rides are not referred to by their real names wherever possible, either because people can't be bothered saying the full name, or to mock an unpopular ride.

A list of common alternative names is shown below, names that are strictly abbreviations are not included:

Alton Towers:

  • Nemesis - Nemmy
  • Oblivion - Blivvy, BOLIVIA (shouted)
  • Ripsaw - Rippy

Thorpe Park:

  • Colossus - Colossucks, Lolossus, For-the-lossus
  • Nemesis: Inferno - (Nemesis) Inferior
  • Vortex - Bore-tex
  • Rumba Rapids - Brapids, Slumba Cr*pids
  • X:\ No Way Out - X:\WTF

Chessington World of Adventures:

  • Rameses Revenge - Rammy

Pleasure Beach Blackpool:

  • Infusion - Intrusion, Traumafusion
  • Valhalla - Valerie

Drayton Manor:

  • Apocalype - Poccy
  • Splash Canyon - Syphilis Canyon
  • G-force - G-farce
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