Great Dark Ride Interactivity Reformation of the Modern Age

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The Reformation brought with it animatronics so sophisticated, Disney were quaking in their boots.

The Great Dark Ride Interactivity Reformation of the Modern Age (GDRIRMA) was an exceedingly popular period of reformation during what were, indisputably, Tussaud's finest years.

The decision was made that Terror Tomb (a ride already rethemed once and renamed twice for being far, far too confusing for the rapidly degrading intelligence of the GP) could be vastly improved, and would surely rake in the crowds, if all the major animatronics were replaced (who needs John Wardley anyway?!) and replaced with a multitude of flickering LEDs.

Clearly confusing Chessie's target market with Thorpe Park's, riders are equipped with guns which, while highly unlikely to work, are exceedingly likely to give the user RSI.

The rip-roaring success that Tomb Blaster was showed the Tussauds Group that guns were the answer, and 'rerideability' replaced Theatrical Brilliance. The obvious next step was to integrate this subtle and flawless technology into another of their unloved, decaying dark rides, and so naturally Alton Towers was the target. Subsequent trials for Hex: The Earl Strikes Back! were halted very quickly following an incident involving guests firing directly into the eyes of those opposite them, interrupting the Earl's bizarre experiments and delaying further the banishing of the curse.

The striking thing about The Haunted House at this time was that despite its laugh-in-the-dark, spooky, and, well...Theatrically Brilliant nature; it significantly lacked zombies...and LEDs...and huge, un-gelled strobes...and zombies. All these heavily pressing concerns were sorted, in half the time Spark's Creative Services would have taken, by Tussauds themselves in one spectacularly thorough retheme. Gone was the lack of unclear theme and lack of plot! Welcome Dr Nicholas Roodyn, and his controversial experiments...oh, and his undertaker...and his skeletal electrician... But most importantly, now you can SHOOT at everything!

The reformation sadly did not include Bubbleworks, as Imperial Leather did a fantastic job of trashing it themselves without assistance from guns (though offered the opportunity, few enthusiasts could pass up shooting at those ducks).

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