Wardley's Jacket

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The Jacket in the Haunted House circa pre-opening 1992.
The Jacket observing Nemesis pre-opening 1994.
Charlie Dinn borrows the Jackets power at the opening of Megafobia in 1996.
The Jacket discussing Oblivion pre-opening 1998.
Simon Thomas comparing the Jacket's awesome power to Air pre-opening 2002.

In every video I watch with John Wardley in, he's wearing that jacket and I dont think it's a coincidence.

Wardley's Jacket, also known as the 'holy garment', is so prominent in the theme park industry, the threads rumoured to go back to the creation of Uncle Frankenstein's Scream Machine at Barry Island and more likely later on the reinvention of Chessington World of Adventures, that it has appeared as itself in the media and especially within the realms of Blue Peter.

It is sometimes said "That is how all enthusiasts started out... watching Blue Peter and seeing the wonderful power of John Wardley and his Jacket." It is also sometimes said the Jacket is the British equivalent to Roland Mack's tailored snazzy suits, but we all know who has the better garment.


The Jacket's Powers

God I have to say this but LOVIN THE JACKET  o.O

The General Public themselves who have looked back on these press releases and noticed the regular occurence of Wardley's Jacket, are beginning to feel more blessed by God every day. The Jacket gives them the understanding towards becoming even the tiniest percentage of enthusiasm towards theme parks in later life. The Jacket gives them that helpful power to see the world through the eyes of us, who have seen John Wardley and his creations in reality.

The Jacket was said to have a soothing effect on the ride and thus helped the riders feel more tranquil about something they might have decided to have found 'crap', in simple terms. It also helped ensure the long likeable life of certain areas and rides around parks such as Alton Towers and Chessington.

The influence of the jacket reaches further, beyond the rides that Wardley designed. The Jacket makes an appearance at the opening of Megafobia in 1996. Was it merely coincidence that Megafobia became one of the world’s top wooden roller coasters?

Where Is The Jacket?

It seems that whenever I see John Wardley he is always wearing that brown leather jacket XD He is truly a genius.

At one point, much to the dismay of enthusiasts, the Jacket had gone missing from the public eye under unexplained circumstances. It made fans more distraught at the opening of Th13teen, their negative opinions on the roller coaster caused by the missing Jacket. Instead of the Jacket, John Wardley was wearing a black waterproof coat, which didn't have the same effect as the Jacket, which led to many enthusiasts in mourning in the Opening Day rain and believing the Jacket to have gone for good.

No argument; the Jacket wasn't there, thus Th13teen was not blessed properly.

However it is argued Oblivion was not blessed properly for the Jacket was not present there, and instead a red/black coat was worn. But in a loophole involving one of Wardley's Heavenly Items (the Nemesis woolly cap) in attendance with the Jacket previously during the testing, the woolly cap's energy combined with the power of the Jacket which made doubly sure that Oblivion would be a big success. This is presented in both the Oblivion videos below.

NEW! The Jacket Was Never Missing...

In strange twist of events (No, not that tale with a twist), it has been reported by a famous brand of sauce that God gave up the powerful Jacket to a charity auction with the ECC. But not on why it was auctioned and why God had given up that powerful item. This led to many questions being asked and almost to even a topic on this previously unknown event.

Some say it has been passed onto the next Messiah of the Theme Park industry...

Others say it has gone on permanent holiday to the sunny Seychelles...

All we know is, that was Wardley's Jacket.


The Infamous Castrated 'Jacket'

But, in May 2010, a version of the jacket was spotted by another member when John Wardley was queueing for his 1987 creative input ride, the Runaway Mine Train and photo evidence has been recorded here. However, the jacket you see in the photo there looks similar to the Jacket in terms of design, colour and wearer except it is missing the faux-sheepskin collar, which gave the Jacket part of the source of it's ovewhelming power. Thus that jacket in the photo is known as 'Wardley's Castrated Jacket'.

Recorded Media Events Involving Wardley's Jacket

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