Snorlix the Dragon

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Revision as of 13:45, 25 October 2010

A friendly baby species of the famed dragons, Snorlix is a cuddly purple character who lives in Cloud Cuckoo Land with his good friends Lucy and Sir Algernon. Surprisingly, Snorlix is not female but MALE. Isn't that odd for a generic cute thing with wings?... No really. It screws kid's expectations, don't it?

Anyway, Snorlix is possibly one of the most harmless and sweet characters on park, getting on with just about anyone which helpfully earns him brownie points. Such examples of friends are:

  • Wraiths - When the park is closed, Snorlix and the Wraiths will play hide and seek among the rides/within the Towers ruins, as well as play with the toys in Towers Trading. It is mentioned now and again they have a rather splendifferous tea party each week.
  • Alton Bear - A friendship that has gone up and down since Snorlix's arrival in 2008. They have a underlying rivalry for the cute appeal, but still have friendly chats every once in a while.

According to reports, Snorlix is due a visit to the Land of the Dragons at Chessington World of Adventures, purely because he is a dragon and they are dragons. Also because Snorlix has never visited Chessington before, bless.

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