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Faffbook is a social networking website located on t'interweb. It is advised for people over the age of 13 to sign up. If you are under the age of 13, it is advised you buzz off and go back to Club Penguin.

Faffbook is well known for people posting statuses about their lives, which nobody tends to give a flying fook about, but they still choose to like the status. There is also a feature for "poking" people on Faffbook. Poking requires a lot of faff, and idiots take it that you want them in bed hardcore. You can return the poke to the person who poked you. This can lead to a "poke war". You can also create fan pages on Faffbook, which can be used to show your love (or hatred by trolling on the pages wall) for locations or people or bussiness.

Alton Towers on Faffbook

A certain Faffbook fan page is ran by Alton Towers, which they made about themselves (big headed fookers). On this page, Alton Towers advertise their events and new failure marketing gimmicks. They also allow the general Faffbook audience to place images of themselves in Alton Towers which nobody gives a faff about.

The Alton Towers Faffbook page is home to lots of trolls and chavs and dimwits who have no common sense. They post things such as: "!s da F!rt33n gett!n shut d0wn?". TST has a dedicated employee to translate this language into English. Normally these comments will be taken the p*ss out of, so it is advised that you think carefully about what you are going to post.

The Alton Towers Faffbook page also exposed the case of The Lost Cake. The Alton Towers Hotel slaves responded furiously with this and struck down with their banning toaster, banning anyone involved with the case from the hotel (although the flooded Splash Landings Hotel next door will welcome you to it's torrents of dirty water from The River Thames in London (They use the pipes from the pipeline coaster that was SW1 to carry the water from London to Alton Towers))

Other UnInteresting Things

You can also play games on Faffbook such as Faffville in which you control your own farm full of faffing animals. It has been known to become addicted to these pixelated 2D games, and people have had to fork out loans to buy "credits" in which they can spend in feeding their pixelated animals. The game has been compared to "Tamagotchis".

Faffbook is the next social network website to go defunct and unused following a line of other social networking sites that have failed such as "YourSpace", Faffster, and another, now deceased social networking site. You can also link videos from "MeTube" onto your statuses so people who don't care about your lives can watch them and waste several minutes of their lives, especially since you may decide to Rick Roll them.