Alton Towers Music Database

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[[Category:Alton Towers]]

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Part of the Theme Park Music Database, Alton Towers is the theme park that created TowersStreet and that website has presented an array of park music, new and old from either the Tussauds years or the current Merlin era. Upon this article, we present to you a wide stretched variety of music spanning from the very early 90s up to present day.

For Alton Towers, we have the ITHotMK Rating as it is rated the highest in 'theme park' music even though it is a classical piece, and it is well known among enthusiasts to be unbeatable. Thus it has been chosen as essentially, the ultimo track that all other tracks must look up to.


[edit] The Park

[edit] Adventure Land

[edit] Sonic Spinball

  • Status: Found
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Touted as being one of the most annoying soundtracks on park, Sonic Spinball's video game noises tend to irritate enthusiasts within the queue. It does not help the voice of Sonic is far from pleasing either.

[edit] Cloud Cuckoo Land

[edit] Area Theme

  • Status: Found
  • ITHotMK Rating: 5/10

Light and bouncy, the Cloud Cuckoo Land theme tries to steal bits of In the Hall of the Mountain King throughout the song. It is nonetheless on the cute atmospheric side of things on park.

[edit] Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: The Ride

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Due to a opinion differentiation on the ride, it is currently impossible to determine whether the music is liked or redeemable to enthusiasts.

[edit] Peugeot 207 Driving School

  • Status: Hiding
  • ITHotMK Rating:

A cheesetastic instrumental version of the song ingrained into the minds of so many small chidren.

[edit] Twirling Toadstool

  • Status: Hiding
  • ITHotMK Rating:

On the slow, rather meh side much like the ride itself. It is advised to think happy thoughts once the overexcited male voice appears at the start and the end of the ride.

[edit] Dark Forest

[edit] Rita

  • Status: Not Sure
  • ITHotMK Rating:

No Witty Description.

[edit] Th13teen

Queue Loop

  • Status: Found
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Coming across more like a 'thrill' soundtrack than a 'family' soundtrack, this music is bound to frighten some of the under 12s for the sudden moments of the Th13teen girl screaming, the infamous "help me" and sounds of undergrowth crawling up to the fence to steal a few Fruit Pastilles or chips.

Station/Tesla Coil Loop

  • Status: Found
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Coming with the SFX of rain assumingly from the outside, even when it's not raining, this retains a lower volume Queue Loop alongside the Th13teen Girl screaming again. There are a number of subtle changes and- 'AAAH TESLA!

[edit] Forbidden Valley

[edit] Air

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Airy fairy, thrill contrary. The music is relaxing and soothing within the queue, sauntering with a hidden woodpecker in the ambience throughout the area, a near favourite of enthusiasts. However, the calm nature of it soon disappears after a ride mishap.

Also available online is the 2007 version from when Alton Towers screwed up their music licensing and had to ditch all their normal tracks.

[edit] Nemesis


  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Although never played on park anymore within the queues, the Nemesis Story as narrated by Tom Baker is a favourite and is regularly recited outside the park by a member famed for his recitations of Nemesis and Hex.


  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Upon repetition in the queue. It is worshipped to on a basis whenever an enthusiast steps near the sexy beast herself.

[edit] Gloomy Wood

[edit] Area Theme

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Spooky, dreary and above all else, gloomy: This can leave a chill up a spine or two upon entering the Katanga Canyon side of the area alongside the fibreglass real tombstones and graves on the left. However, the mood is soon left when the sounds of irritating blasters overlap the soundtrack, thanks to the incessant tomb zombie outside Duel.

[edit] Duel

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Fast paced and easily danceable, Duel is alright but doesn't evoke the same magic and mystery The Haunted House did before. It is pretty much the same music throughout, just changed now and again to sound 'different'.

[edit] Katanga Canyon

[edit] Area Theme

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

An upbeat version of the previous Katanga track, it's one of the most catchiest and loved soundtracks on park.

[edit] Mutiny Bay

[edit] Area Theme

  • Status: Mostl' hidin', t'braggard!
  • ITHotMK Rating:

[edit] Battle Galleons

  • Status: Online, aaar
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Come 'n join Cap'n Black as 'e gives yer a lesson in 'ow To Speak Pirate as ye get soaked by yer adversaries on t'high seas... Well I know those lessons weren't that good. Look at what I just typed!

[edit] Heave Ho

  • Status: Hiding, t'lily livered fool!
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Give me a "heave!" and give me a "ho!", yaaaarr.

[edit] Marauders Mayhem

  • Status: Why d' these shanties keep hidin'?!
  • ITHotMK Rating:

M'eyesight! It's gone, by thunder! Graaaaaah- Oh n'wait. My glass eye jus' fell out. Aahhaaaaa!

[edit] The Pirates of Sharkbait Reef

  • Status: Only t'endin' brass
  • ITHotMK Rating:

I seen worse shows...

[edit] Sharkbait Reef

  • Status: Hiding lik' a monkey in a Cap'n's undergarment drawer
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Fishies, fishies, fishies.

[edit] Old MacDonald's Farm

[edit] Area Theme

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Happily without SFX of farmyard animals clucking, mooing and whatnot.

[edit] The Towers Complex

[edit] Hex - The Legend of the Towers

The Octagon (Ambient)

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

... hidden behind an ancient bookcase...

The Vault

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

A vault sealed for two centuries! The vault does actually have music, too, if you're really quiet you can just make it out.

[edit] Towers Street

  • Status: On The Run
  • ITHotMK Rating: 10/10

Attempts to be more ambitious than its predecessor, especially on the scale of repetitiveness.

[edit] Transportation

[edit] Monorail

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

This catchy piece heard during the long, strenuous queue up the Monorail ramps is danceable yet irritating depending on your views. If you are urging to head on park, then it is more likely to bug you even more than it normally does.

[edit] Skyride

  • Status: Hiding
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Normally accompanied with a less than enthusiastic voiceover on repeat, this piece is nice yet bounces all over the place going from mysterious (Thirteen) to earworm to hypnotic 'stay on Resort please'.

[edit] X-Sector

[edit] Oblivion

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Rave your way into... Oblivion!

[edit] The Resort

[edit] Alton Towers Hotel

[edit] Splash Landings Hotel

[edit] Events

[edit] Scarefest

[edit] The Ultimate Fireworks 2010


  1. Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand
  2. Lady Ga Ga - Alejandro
  3. JLS - Everybody in Love
  4. Katy Perry - Firework


  1. Alton Towers - Th13teen Theme (Don't Go Alone)
  2. Charlie Clouser - Dead Silence Main Titles (Dead Silence)
  3. Alton Towers - Th13teen Theme (Counting)
  4. Don Davis - Trinity Infinity (The Matrix)
  5. Don Davis - Neodämmerung (The Matrix Revolutions)
  6. Immediate Music - Emoyrean Mercenaries
  7. Immediate Music - An Epic Age
  8. Alton Towers - Th13teen Theme (Scream)

30th Birthday Celebration:

  1. Jackson Five - Can You Feel It
  2. Abba - Dancing Queen
  3. Wham - Wake Me Up Before You Go Go
  4. Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes - The Time of My Life
  5. Robbie Williams - Let Me Entertain You
  6. Spice Girls - Wannabe
  7. Darude - Sandstorm
  8. Black Eyes Peas - I Gotta Feeling
  9. Kylie Minogue - Spinning Around
  10. Girls Aloud - Something Kinda Oooh
  11. Take That - Greatest Day
  12. Edvard Grieg - In The Hall of The Mountain King

[edit] The Past

[edit] Black Hole

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

[edit] Doom and Sons

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

If the Vampire organist, the Haunted Mansion Ghost Host, and a cheap SFX CD from Tesco had a baby...

[edit] Haunted House

  1. Entrance Hall (Death March)
  2. Drawing Room
  3. Tunnel of Doom
  4. Giant's Lair
  5. Ghoulish Garden
  6. Final Chase
  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Cheesy, synthy, and really rather exciting!

[edit] Towers Street

90s Tussauds

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Magical is the only word needed.

[edit] Toyland Tours

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Ideas make toys, toys make presents, presents make parties! Music makes a great dark ride!

[edit] Ug Land

  • Status: Online
  • ITHotMK Rating:

Uh, ah, urrrrgh. Uh, ah, urrrrrgh...

I don't remember eating that!

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