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30th Dec: TST's Not-New-Years-Eve Party Quiz of the Year Awards Night Live Extravaganza!


TS Team
Favourite Ride
Voltron Nevera

Ohai! Thought you'd got rid of us? :p

@Rowe, @Sammy, @Craig and I are excited to return for one last hurrah to see off 2020!

To wrap up a surprisingly successful year of quiz events, we present to you the Not-New-Years-Eve Party Quiz of the Year Awards Night Live Extravaganza! (There’s nothing like a short and snappy title.) The night will consist of a handful of topical questions (both theme park related and not), plenty of tunes and the awards ceremony for our ever-popular forum and member awards. More about the latter soon, but for now you can register your quiz team via this form.

You can also start to submit your song requests… here! In order to join in though, you’ll need to be registered in our TowersStreet Discord server.

There’s not much more we can say at the minute about the event, but we’ll announce more over the coming couple of weeks as and when we can. Watch this space!
Can I join if I don’t really know anyone on here? I feel like a loner but I wouldn’t mind taking part :)
You absolutely can! We've had several individuals play along before, and even groups of individuals teaming up together. The more the more stressful for us merrier! :D
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Why was I not consulted on this please? I actually had a lot of plans for New Years...

But I guess seeing as you’ve gone and said it now I best get the frock dry cleaned!
If anyone want a team member, I’m free. But it’s up to you to decide wether it’s a good idea or not ;)
There's just a week to go until the, er... (what did we call it again?) quiz thing!

Register now
Organise yourself a group of up to 3 team members, and register yourselves now! You’ll need to be signed up by 7.50pm on the night in order for us to be able to organise the answer forms, so don’t leave it too late.

Any requests?
As a result of our surprisingly popular radio event in November, we’re now taking song requests! You can submit your songs here! The deadline for song requests is 8pm on Sunday 27th December.

Take part
To take part on the night, you’ll need to join our discord server and hop into the “quiz” voice channel which will appear on the night. This is exactly the same setup that we have used all year. Only the hosts will be able to speak so there’s no need to worry about having to vocally participate! We will also be having a live video stream on the night, as per Quiz No. 4, so we recommend a second device or browser window to be able to enjoy everything we throw at the evening. The link to this will be provided on the night.

As part of the evening, we are integrating the TowersStreet Member Awards into a sections of the night, as a live awards ceremony. If you’re a registered member of TowersStreet Talk, you’re eligible to vote! You can vote here, but make sure you submit your ballots by 8pm on Sunday 27th December.

We’re very much looking forward to the evening, and hope you are too! We can’t wait to see you there, and indeed, the last remnants of 2020 off.
I’m currently lying in bed, having a cuddle with Paddles (my adorable penguin, for those who want to know), and I’m WAY more drunk than I should be. But you know what? I don’t care. Thanks to everyone who worked on putting the quiz together, and thanks to everyone who took part in it to help provide the ideal tonic for the excrement-show that has been 2020. It’s honestly served to remind me just how wonderful a community we’re all a part of, and just how much I love you all.
Good afternoon! Firstly, on behalf of the rest of the QuizMittee, thank you to everyone that joined us last night for one final quiz night of 2020. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, although some of us remember more than the others! Fortunately we got a decent audio and video recording, so if anyone who couldn't make it would like the link to it, please drop me a message via the usual channels. So, without further ado, the final scores look like this!

322 points were available in total.

1. Slaw and Order: Return of the Slaw (@AstroDan, @khalichanan, @Cheese) - 273
2. Team We've Been Up Maverick's Staff Entrance And You Haven't
(@BigAl, @Danny, @Pedro) - 270
3. Quiz all over your face
(@Ellie, @Josh) - 251
4. The Three Mouseketeers (@Rob, @Russell, @Sazzle) - 237
5. Thrill Nation (Austyn, Dean, Hannah) - 201
6. Thameslink Rail (@Thameslink Rail) - 188
=7. Willow is smarter than us (@Tuggerz, Amber, Willow) - 159
=7. The Penguilinos (@Jonathan, @Mike, @Poisson) - 159
8. Once upon a team (@Rebecca, Mollie, Luke) - 158
9. Tealights Over Bethlehem (@evilcod, Beth) - 110
10. Give 'em the old quizzle drizzle (Zoe, Elliott) - 101
11. The covid roller (@Jak Stamp) - 72
12. Lonely Dan (GeneralPhats) - 66

Congratulations! We'll be publishing the member awards winners at some point very soon too, so watch out for that if you weren't there to hear them live last night, at which point all the winners' signatures will be distributed as well.

Thanks again! :D
Now I've finally sobered up (I think), I'd just like to thank the QuizMittee once again for their sterling work in putting Wednesday night's shenanigans events together. Brilliant from start to finish, and the perfect tonic to the excrement-fest that has been 2020. Thanks also to everyone else who participated and made it one of the funniest nights I've had in a very, very long time. Though I think a lot of us have alcohol to thank for a chunk of what went on... :p

I do hope we have another one at some point during 2021. :)