TS Administrator
The potential for a new theme park in the UK has already created a lot of discussion, so to try and minimise repeat posts and keep discussion constructive, we've created this post to round things up. Thanks to @Plastic Person for starting the initial topic, you'll find their original post after this one.
Many of you will want to get stuck into discussion, but before posting please have a read of the below guidelines. This will help keep things flowing as best as possible
To help you know what's been posted already, we're also summarising the key factual information below. This isn't going to be like the Nemesis timeline with a blow by blow account, it's just going through the key points of what we know so far. It'll be updated by the team on a regular basis.
Posting Guidelines
Many of you will want to get stuck into discussion, but before posting please have a read of the below guidelines. This will help keep things flowing as best as possibleRead before you post
Catch up on the discussion that you've missed before posting, at least the last few pages. It also helps to read the summary below which is regularly updated. This will ensure you're not just posting whatever has already been said.Adding links to a video or website?
If you're adding links to a video or a website, please ensure the following otherwise your post may be removed:- That the information that's included in the video or article is new to discussion and doesn't just cover what's already been discussed
- That you summarise what's interesting within it to further discussion here on TowersStreet
- That you add your own viewpoints in addition to posting the article/video
What we know so far
To help you know what's been posted already, we're also summarising the key factual information below. This isn't going to be like the Nemesis timeline with a blow by blow account, it's just going through the key points of what we know so far. It'll be updated by the team on a regular basis.[November 2023]
- Initial rumours surface - Inside Universal's forums discuss initial rumours of Universal looking to open a full size park in the UK
- Domain names registered - Multiple domain name variants have been registered by Comcast including UniversalStudiosUK, UniversalStudiosBritain and UniversalStudiosGreatBritain
[December 2023]
- Land purchase in Bedfordshire - Orlando ParkStop release an article and a video reporting Comcast purchased a developer named Cloud Wing UK Ltd. Cloud Wing own a large parcel of land in Bedfordshire - the former Kempston Brickworks. Coupled with the initial rumours, this indicates the site is a potential location for a future park.
- Leaked Concept Art revealed - @TMainStreetNews on X reveals some leaked concept art. It's at least 11 months old, but the location in the concept art is found to be near Milton Keynes, just under 10 miles from the land that Comcast/Universal now own.
- Universal Spokesperson confirms land purchase and potential park - The Bedford Independent publishes an article confirming Universal Destinations & Experiences have purchased the land in Bedfordshire. They confirm they're at the early stages of feasibility and it'll be "many months" before they are ready to make a decision as to whether or not they'll proceed and are "very early in planning this potential project".
[April 2024]
- Public engagement period launched - The project's official website has been updated, with Universal publishing an information pack for the park including proposed building and structure height limits, along with what land will be allocated to different sections of the resort. They also announced in person events on the 13th and 16th April