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Russia vs NATO

It could also be reversed by a dead russian president.
We have been getting lucky with our politicians in recent times, either shifted, deaded, busted, convicted or chased out of the polls...
Nice to have a fresh name on the top of the list.
Putin has always been a chancer. He's rightly predicted the lack of both political appetite, and military power of NATO to wage wars. He doesn't want a war with NATO, he wants to wave his willy around pretending he wants one so that the façade of the Russian bear growling once more can be heard.

I'm sure they'll be tonnes of threats and strong rhetoric around where the weapons used on Russian turf originated from (pictures are surfacing of American made weaponry being used in Rafah). But he also knows that by this time next year there's an increasing likelihood that his criminal ally will be back in the Whitehouse and the weapons supply will run down, hanging the Ukrainians out to dry in the process. Once he feels everyone has seen how impressive his willy is, he'll get bored of such stringent economic sanctions and declare a victory that he's "denazified" Ukraine whilst it smolders, and point to NATO countries impotence. As usual, impotent countries with depleted armed forces like ours will just roll over and follow the US lead.

I wouldn't go running to a Nuclear bunker with tins of Spam just yet.
Have you seen the price of spam recently young man!!!
Current very soft diet, so I have been doing interesting mix and match.
Microchopped spam and egg soft white rolls have been stunning...acceptable substitute to my usual best dry cured bacon.
My latest, overcooked corned beef hash.
Could probably slurp it through a straw.
The school dinner whiff has gone, with enough batches for a weeks non chew dinners.

And quickly back on topic.
As a good theoretical communist, who whistles the red flag tune every sunrise, I did start to get a little bit worried about that nice mister pootin when he got his boobies out on horseback, all that time ago.
Cluck me I thought, as soon as I realised we were in corner coffee shop, not the tavern...the bloke thinks he's lady clucking godiva.
One good clean shot from a distance, that's all we need.
World peace restored.
Wonder how Trump would be handling this situation if he was/becomes president. Probably moaning everyone is corrupt and the war is rigged.
To be honest Trump would probably call Putin and make some sort of deal.
Putin wouldn’t mess with Trump as he’s the only person even more unhinged than himself…. Trump probably would nuke Russia.