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Southport Pleasureland

They've definitely got a long term lease on the land now, hence why the last few years they've tried to add themed areas instead of plonked down fair ground rides.

It's the nearest park for me, but I've just got no interest in visiting currently having gone in 2019, 2021, and 2022. Looked at the website a few weeks ago and it barely mentions any rides they have now. Plus with the awful Looping coaster gone they're really missing any sort of thrill coaster.
The place looked closed, just the golf open...though I may be mistaken...didn't get out of the car until Lord St!.
Very quiet on the seafront, though it was windy...but dry.
Average age of visitor to Southport today...around sixty, and that is the average.
Few teenagers about, shops busy.
And the tide was in!!!
Only see that about once a decade...right up to the seashore road.
Amusing point, I used to like watching the unicyclists and skateboarders on the bandstand on Lord St.
Good entertainment and memories of a bygone age.
Big banned signs now, so nobody uses it at all, apart from a single grey haired old man with dark glasses and a limp, feeding the pigeons with his sad poundbakery chicken pasty.
21 completely empty benches, and me.
Very Southport in the current climes, only busy on sunny school holidays, and then you can't park.
The park needs decent attractions instead of an abundance of average flats.
A single decent coaster would be a start if they insist on pay one price.
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Southport.like alot of seaside resorts is struggling. Last time I visited last Easter the place was dead, even the main shopping street was quiet. Southport is getting major investment in the coming years but it definitely benefit from better transport links
Southport.like alot of seaside resorts is struggling. Last time I visited last Easter the place was dead, even the main shopping street was quiet. Southport is getting major investment in the coming years but it definitely benefit from better transport links
Will be visiting Southport soon on a pinball stalk...usually fail in the town.
Might get to hit dippy with a putter.
It has been announced in the last few days that the pier will not be reopening this year...following storm damage about eighteen months ago.
Damn shame, lovely cafe and penny arcade at the end.