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Vaping in theme parks

I don't think banning vaping (or smoking) in theme parks would work in the UK. You would either end up with people doing it, then arguing with staff/other guests, or people smoking/vaping covertly in toilets/hidden areas around the park. I would support more signposting for those who vape to use designated smoking areas and staff support to be able to encourage these guests to use the designated areas.

With vaping there's been a lot of courtesy lost. When it comes to smoking, we associate cigarettes with a 'dirty' smell, and there's, of course, a vast evidence base that shows the long-term negative effects it can have on your health. Vapes often come with pleasant/fruity smells/flavours, and a lot (not all) of people who vape seem to not view any harm in vaping in public due to this. Advertising and marketing of vapes don't help either. We know little of the long-term effects of vaping at present, so it's hard to promote not using them. That's a problem beyond the scope of theme parks, though.
When I was born, 70% of men smoked, and nearly half of all women.
Now it is less than 15% nationally.
In the very healthy Ribble Valley, our local green oasis, smoking is down to 5%.
Twenty miles away in Blackpool, over 20%
The young are now the majority of smokers...and vapers.
Again, just ban the young from theme parks, problem, yet again, solved.
Goslings accepted of course...no opposable thumbs to press the vape buttons.
Easy to jump on the evil vaping band wagon, but some of us gave up fags on these things. And we did so before it became trendy to start vaping.

The tobacco companies have done what they've always done with vaping. They've bought vape companies and launched vape products to try and get as many of us addicted to the new way in which they deal their addictive drugs as possible. Because they're just legal drug dealers. Selling their more toxic product line of delivering their drug was declining, so they bought into the a new way to continue plying their trade.

But there are a great deal of us who aren't kids, who genuinely started smoking real cigarettes through childhood stupidity and decided we wanted to quit when we were hooked. Park aside your views of school kids with strawberry flavoured disposable vapes trying to look cool, or Tossers having a vape for a laugh on the Smiler to look 'ard in from of their mates. We're not all like that.

I'm not saying vaping is a good thing. In fact it's bad. But let's not pretend it's practically the same as smoking. There were some kids at Tower's the other week walking around sharing a joint thinking they were as 'ard as nails. Not a visit goes by where someone doesn't spark up a fag on the footpaths in front of me and the kids. At Thorpe they do this in the queue lines. Banning it in the park or making vapers stand next to real smokers as if they're the same thing, is not helpful in my view.
I feel like vaping is going to end up like diesel engines: We were all told it was the lesser evil. Honest guv.
.... And yet....

Surely it's better to toke on a natural plant product? (Read in to that what you like, no comment from me).
Every pub is a drug dealer.
Every shop that sells cigarettes or vapes is a drug dealer.
It is just the legal nature of the drugs being dealt.
Some drugs are more legal than others, but all are dangerous, deadly and addictive.
We need to keep them away from kids, as a good general rule.
Theme parks have larger that usual number of kids about.
So the smokers ideally need to be kept away from the kids, so nice, shaded, sheltered smoking places, away from general gaze, would be the best solution in my eyes.
Or let adults smoke anywhere on the park, but ban kids.
I don't see any problem with adults vaping, especially if it helps them to quit smoking, but do have a problem with how it's marketed at children with bright colours and sweet smells. Vaping is a real problem in high schools.

The fact you can buy disposable ones is also just ridiculous. I dread to think of the amount of e-waste that they must be generating. The government have really failed to get a grip on this issue.

In terms of vaping at the parks. I personally don't have any problem with people vaping (or smoking) as long as it's not in an indoor space or close proximity to others. Courtesy and consideration is key.
I don’t think parkwide bans of vaping or smoking really work, people will just do it anyway. Vaping especially is easier to conceal than smoking is. Even at WDW I saw people doing both despite it being banned in all their parks and there’s not really a way of policing it in such a large, busy place, just seems like a losing battle for the park really. If you really want to control where people do it, have designated, clearly signposted areas to do it in.

Banning it indoors, in queues and on rides makes sense due to the confined nature and its more enforceable as those spaces are more controlled and easier to monitor via cctv and tannoy systems etc. Ideally all smokers and vapers would use common sense and have a bit of consideration about how and where they do it on park, there’s usually somewhere in most places where you can go that’s more out of the way from the main crowds. I can’t say I’ve ever really been bothered by people smoking or vaping around parks, it’s mainly when I’m in a queue where there’s nowhere to go away from it that I find it bothersome.
I don't think parkside bans of urination really work, unfortunately people will still do it anyway. Instead, I propose, that we have designated and clearly signposted areas where people can urinate.

I don't think that urination indoors, in queues or on rides is really acceptable. If people feel the need they should hold on, until they get to the designated spot.

Ideally all urinators would use common sense and have a bit of consideration about how and where they do it on park, there’s usually somewhere in most places where you can go that’s more out of the way from the main crowds. I can’t say I’ve ever really been bothered by people urinating in parks, it’s mainly when I’m in a queue where there’s nowhere to go away from it that I find it bothersome.

(Cheers @BigShadowtinytree for the inspiration, no shade is meant!)
Hate the sickly smell of vapes when facing to walk through a big cloud of smoke in the queue line. I’ve no problem people using them in the appropriate places in the park but I don’t agree with them being used in queue lines. The person vaping should have some consideration for those around them who don’t want to inhale their vaporised chemicals.