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🏆✨TowersStreet Awards 2022: Your Winners✨🏆


TS Team
Favourite Ride
Voltron Nevera
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Don your sparkly frocks, grab a bottle of Da Lucaaaaa and charge your glasses - it’s time for the TS Awards results!

Firstly, thank you to all who took the time to vote. I hope it was a bit easier to work out your nominations this year, and I’m always open to suggestions for future improvements. As well as the categories that you voted for in the Google Form, we are also introducing some “TS Contributor” awards based on the forum stats of 2022, but more about that later.

It’s worth noting for any forum newbies that all awards are given out with tongues firmly placed in cheeks, so congratulations to you if you have won, but don’t get too above your station. ;) On a similar note, if you win one of the less desirable awards, don’t take it personally, this is all just a bit of fun! I’ll be announcing the winners and runners-up for each category, with the winners being set to receive a shiny new forum signature in the new year.

And with all that out the way, let’s begin…

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Best New Alton Towers Topic
1st - Duel: Now Closed, Refurbishment for 2023 by @Craig
2nd - Project Horizon: Planning Application Submitted by @Danscott22

Best New Europa-Park Topic
1st - 2022: Europa-Park General Discussion by @CSLKenny
2nd - Why is Europa Park such an unknown quantity in Britain? by @Matt N

Best New Other Theme Park Topic
1st - When were you last scared on a ride ? by @Rick
2nd - Blackpool Pleasure Beach: 2022 Discussion by @rob666

Best Off-Topic Topic
1st - Horrifying Family Coasters by @Rick
2nd - The Queen dies, aged 96. The future of the monarchy by @MattyH

Funniest Topic
1st - Horrifying Family Coasters by @Rick
2nd - Rest In Peace Me’me @BarryZola

Fail Topic
1st - 2023: General Discussion by @Skyscraper
2nd - Project Horizon: Planning Application Submitted by @Danscott22

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Best 2022 Alton Towers Trip Report
1st - Alton Towers Report 5th/6th July (Or Rather, A Scottish Invasion of Alton Towers) by @QTXAdsy
2nd - Feuer und Coasters by @MattyH

Best 2022 Europa-Park Trip Report
1st - Matt N’s Europa Park Initiation 26th-30th April 2022 by @Matt N
2nd - Europa Bark! - Tim's Trips by @Tim

Best 2022 Other Trip Report
1st - Phantasialand: The irregularities and irritations of one of Europe's best parks by @AstroDan
2nd - PAIN: The Trip by @Poisson

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Best Contributor
1st - @Matt N
2nd - @Craig

Best Poster
1st - @Craig
=2nd - @Log Flume’s Dennis
=2nd - @Matt N

Geekiest Member
1st - @Matt N
2nd - @John

Funniest Member
1st - @rob666
2nd - @Log Flume’s Dennis

Most Serious Member
1st - @AstroDan
=2nd - @pluk
=2nd - @Rick
=2nd - @Skyscraper
=2nd - @Thameslink Rail

Most Helpful Member
1st - @Craig
2nd - @Matt N

Biggest Moaner
1st - @AstroDan
2nd - @JAperson

Best New Member
1st - @BigShadowtinytree
2nd - @Nick🎢

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We’ve scoured TST’s 2022 statistics and thought we’d honour some of the more impressive results with a special award.

Most Posts Made in 2022
1st - @Matt N
2nd - @Skyscraper

It’s of little surprise that Matt N has come out on top, with a staggering 2805 posts made up to 29th December! That’s an average of over 7.5 posts per day, and I’d be interested to see a total word count, but think my mind would implode. Skyscraper wasn’t too far behind either with 2541. Honourable mention to @rob666 who was the only other member to grace the 2000 posts mark - over 700 posts more than 4th place.

Most Reactions Received in 2022
1st - @rob666
2nd - @Matt N

It’s all very well posting quantity, but quality is what really matters. With 5661 reactions received, rob666’s posts certainly meet the criteria.

Most Reports Created in 2022
1st - @Skyscraper
2nd - @Thameslink Rail

And for those few posts that fail to live up to our member expectations, we do like to know about them. Skyscraper wins the Teacher’s Pet award ( ;) ) for submitting 137 reports to the team, nearly 100 more than 2nd place - being Thameslink Rail who submitted 48 reports.*

*This is very much a sarcastic award. We appreciate every report that’s made as it helps us to moderate the forum effectively, so thank you to all who help out in this way.

Grim Reaper 2022
1st - @Dipper_Dave
2nd - @Thameslink Rail

Celebrity Deaths, kindly ran by @Jonathan, can be quite a lively topic, and wouldn’t be much good without members of the forum announcing said deaths. Dipper_Dave wins the Grim Reaper award for announcing 35 celeb deaths this year, followed by Thameslink with 13. Another honourable mention to @rob666 for being the only other member to grace double digits, with 10.

Once again, thank you all so much for taking part, and do let me know if you’d like to see any changes to the TS Awards season going forwards.
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I thank one and all for being voted king idiot once more.
I just don't do votes, polls and counts*, so feel a bit of a cheat, but I love this site as a nice warm place to argue the toss over nothing of any importance.
I think this may be a hat trick for me, so next year I should stand down, and vote for Mr Log Flume himself, as he makes me laugh more than anyone.
More haiku effort next year, and if any of you are ever heading to Crevettes for a drink, give me a couple of hours notice on here and I will be more than happy to get you a sarsaparilla.
Thanks again to all the admin staff for the effort, it really is appreciated, especially those who have to clean up my posts after late night inbibing.
Edit* and I'm just too old for ranking...
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An interesting set of results! Thanks @Burbs and the rest of the team for running it and congratulations to all who won.
A special mention to @Thameslink Rail who gained more second places than anyone, I was hoping for him to win most serious member. :tearsofjoy:
Aww best new member. There must not have been much competition this year for me to get that🤣

Much appreciation to admin & mods for keeping the site running smoothly. I quite like it here.
Very well deserved in my opinion. However and I've said it before I think the team have a conspiracy against me, the year before and now after the year I joined this award existed and the year I joined it was removed. :tearsofjoy:
Sorry, could I just add...
Lots of thoosie love on here.
Go Away GIF
Uh, did I win something?! :oops: I, uh, never thought I've added much to the TS but...thanks everyone who thought some crummy trip report I did was award worthy...thank you though, I appreciate it greatly.
Sorry I had to do that as we all despise the term that @rob666 very foolishly used again ;)

Foolish is as foolish does.
And it isn't foolish at all, it is a deliberate provocative attempt to wind up the moodie thoosies who take our sweet leisure activity too seriously.
We don't all despise the term, some of us love it as a daft general abbreviation for a daft harmless hobby...
Word of the week twice with my punters...
Absolutely love the hate though.