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[2023] Rulantica: Vikingløp (RallyRacer) & Nordiskturn (lounges & food)

I love Europa. It does however make me chuckle when people excuse their inability to reopen their F&B outlets, whilst at the same time they continue to build a flurry of €700 a day water park suites.
Tbf I think F&B are all open now.

But yes... agreed
Had another wonderful day at Rulantica last week, it really has transformed a visit to Europa-Park more than I could ever have imagined.

Vikingløp is a fantastic addition. The slides are such good fun, even if the walk to the top is very hard work. For anyone who has been in the away end at St James Park, it's that but in swimming trunks!

Despite it being a cool rainy day in late October, Svalgurok was open until 6pm! This is one of my favourite parts of Rulantica, especially when there are not many people out on it and you can just run around doing all of the slides.

Rulantica was really rather busy when we were there. We'd all done all of the slides before, so long queues for them was not really an issue as we were happy to just give them a miss. And we had the bliss of Hyggedal to get some quiet relaxation. However, food around lunch time was generally a bit of a farce. We went to eat at Lumålunda and the queue was simply massive and finding an empty table was a challenge. There appeared to be long queues at all Rulantica food outlets around lunch time. It was just very frustrating!

They really do need an additional high capacity food outlet. They are currently constructing a new building outdoors behind Strand Kök and I do wonder whether this might end up being a new restaurant. I really hope so!
We went to eat at Lumålunda and the queue was simply massive and finding an empty table was a challenge.
Did you notice what it was like in the evening? Whenever I've been I've only had a sit down meal (with a knife and fork) here when it's later on, and I've never had any issues queue wise or being able to find a table. Wondering whether it's becoming crowded in general or if it's just a peak lunch time thing when everyone's still there and haven't left Rulantica early.
Did you notice what it was like in the evening? Whenever I've been I've only had a sit down meal (with a knife and fork) here when it's later on, and I've never had any issues queue wise or being able to find a table. Wondering whether it's becoming crowded in general or if it's just a peak lunch time thing when everyone's still there and haven't left Rulantica early.
It was fine in the evening, just a short wait for whatever it was you wanted.

Lunch time seems to be the main issue when it comes to food at Rulantica. Less of an issue in the summer when you do have the outdoor F&B outlets open.
We tried Vikinglop for the first time this week. It’s a nicely themed area with theming stretching all the at up the (very long) stairway. It also struck me as significantly quieter around the new food area compared to the main hall - it’s nice to get away from the constant whir of water splashing. I was perhaps expecting the area to broken up a little more with theming but it’s pretty much one large room which produces a bit of a canteen feel.

As for the slide itself, I have to regretfully say it fits in with the rest of Rulantica’s slides as being decent, but nothing more. I was surprised by the G force it pulls, but there’s nothing particularly notable about it other than that. It’s going to add massive capacity during busier times, although I expect its popularity will be tempered by its location and the number of stairs to the top.

Interestingly we did spot another building going up on the outskirts of the waterpark too just by the main road, although I’ve got no clue what it’s for. Another new attraction maybe?
Me and the person I went with both had cramps in our thighs after Rulantica this visit, and the only variable that changed was this time we had to drag those mats up the stairs to Vikinglop over and over.

I thought the slide itself was great, I was very surprised at how forceful it was. The newly themed area down there was also pretty nice to look at, though I didn't spend any time there other than to grab a mat and head up the stairs.
Vikingløp has another big fan with Dasiy loving it as well. I was a little worried taking her on it (She is only 6, and will not go on rides like Pirates), but Annabelle had talked her into it (And soon wished she had not, as she had to carry her mat up the stairs now) and Daisy was adamant she was going to do it.

The first time she went on, there was two life guards at the top, and one of them would give her a push to get started, the other three times, there was a single life guard, and I had to give her a push.

But as you can not tell, she loved it, and it is her favourite ride at Rulantica. The best part is, because she is so small, it takes her 24-28 seconds to come down, so she gets the longest ride as well.
Possibly my favourite slide from my first ever visit on Sunday, even with the friction burn I got when my knee briefly came off the mat.