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[2024] Voltron Nevera | Mack Stryker Coaster

Sounds like a similar situation to Hyperia at Thorpe Park. I think unless an opening date is given you have to accept a level of risk if you're visiting a park for an unfinished attraction.

Except vertical construction was completed over 6 months ago. You have to always accept it’s a risk to make a booking before a date is announced but you can’t blame people making a booking with a reasonable expectation.

I’m not expecting the park to recompense or anything as it is booked at risk but they will have a lot of upset people who made a reasonable booking if it doesn’t soft open.

They are almost taking longer to build rollercoasters than Disney now 😂
Except vertical construction was completed over 6 months ago. You have to always accept it’s a risk to make a booking before a date is announced but you can’t blame people making a booking with a reasonable expectation.

I’m not expecting the park to recompense or anything as it is booked at risk but they will have a lot of upset people who made a reasonable booking if it doesn’t soft open.

They are almost taking longer to build rollercoasters than Disney now 😂

I've only been following the progress sporadically tbh, what have been the reasons for the delays?

I'm visiting Universal Osaka for the new Donkey Kong rollercoaster this year. They've said it opens in Spring and it's testing already but i've still left my trip till September as a safety net. It's likely the only time i will ever go there too and will be devastated if it's not open so certainly can sympathise on that level.
I've only been following the progress sporadically tbh, what have been the reasons for the delays?

I'm visiting Universal Osaka for the new Donkey Kong rollercoaster this year. They've said it opens in Spring and it's testing already but i've still left my trip till September as a safety net. It's likely the only time i will ever go there too and will be devastated if it's not open so certainly can sympathise on that level.

Covid delayed it somewhat

I don’t think we really know any other cause. Some have suggested post covid and with the microchip shortages for control systems they prioritised other Mack customers as they had a flurry of orders to meet but I have no idea if that had any basis in truth.

I mean jokes aside on the flip side they have managed to get Austria rebuilt very fast so swings and roundabouts but yeah it’s a very delayed roller coaster.
Given that we've seen trains going round with the Mack family on board, it's surprising and disappointing that the park have then announced that it won't be opening on 23 March, a whole month from now. A lot of people will have taken that video to mean that the ride is safe to operate and take passengers and is thus able to open imminently.

I imagine there'll be a more formal announcement soon, hopefully this is only a short delay.
Given that we've seen trains going round with the Mack family on board, it's surprising and disappointing that the park have then announced that it won't be opening on 23 March, a whole month from now. A lot of people will have taken that video to mean that the ride is safe to operate and take passengers and is thus able to open imminently.

I imagine there'll be a more formal announcement soon, hopefully this is only a short delay.

Either that or they don't want to commit yet.
Either that or they don't want to commit yet.
If they didn't want to commit then I would have thought they'd have just said nothing, or at least no more than a 'Stay tuned for announcements' message.

It seems a bit of a gaffe anyway, to be leaking details about opening before a proper announcement has been made. Something I'd expect from a Merlin social media team, but not Europa!

Also they keep mentioning the Croatia and Austria areas in the same breath as if they seem to be trying to open them at the same time. Would have thought it makes just to focus on one of those areas and get it open asap.
I can’t remember the last time the park opened a new attraction on time.

Easter weekend is the week after opening. You’d expect they’d want to have it open for then.
I'm not worried yet.

We've already heard it'll likely be on reduced capacity for 23rd March. EP may just hold off on official opening until they've got all the trains and polished any issues.

This way, it'll be clear that guests should expect to wait longer during soft opening.

It also means if anything isn't *quite* finished, they give themselves some slack whilst being able to 'test' with real guests.

I'm still expecting to ride at Easter.
Incredibly vague but this tweet from Michael looks relatively positive in terms of public opening...

Maybe I’m growing soft in my old age (or I’m just being really hopeful as I’m going in Easter) but there are mixed messages here and I think @AstroDan is probably right.

They will probably soft open around season start but with signs up saying it’s soft and may close at any time without warning and have only a few trains running with guests.

Fingers crossed anyway!
Apparently they have delays with getting the parts for the 7 trains; each train is being built one at a time. Hence why only 2 are currently testing and no further ones are on site yet.
If there are still only 2 trains onsite then it does appear unlikely that there will be an official opening at the start of the season. A soft opening on limited capacity however could be a possibility.

It is disappointing that they've had delays in getting parts for the trains, especially as this has been in the works for so long. You do have to question how they've gone about procuring the necessary parts.

In other news, work on enclosing the turntable of progressing:


Source: Brthld on epfriends.de