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Plopsaland (15th May)


TS Member
Here’s my trip report for Plopsaland. We went on a Wednesday, mid May.

We live about 3 hours from Folkestone so decided to stay in Folkestone, for the Tuesday and Wednesday night. We travelled over using the channel tunnel.

We broke up the drive to Folkestone with a few hours at Legoland on the way and Chessington on the way back.


The journey to Plopsa really is as easy as everyone says. I’m old enough to remember the channel tunnel being built and can remember thinking to myself “I’m never getting on that thing”. I was quite nervous, just because the thought of being in a tunnel not only beneath the ground but beneath the sea gave me all sorts of heebie jeebies but I ended up quite enjoying it.

I’d watched TPWW vlog as preparation and it was all very easy and hassle free.

The drive from Calais to Plopsaland was incredibly easy.

We were up at 5am to get on the 7:18am train (you have to be there an hour before). With the hours time difference, we got to Plopsa at around 9.50. If we go again we would probably have a lie-in and get a later train. If you’re going mainly for RTH and you pick a quiet day, you really don’t need to get there for opening.

The Park

We got tickets from Tripper NL for €31 each.

We picked a good date. The park was not busy at all. The most we waited for anything was probably 10mins (station waits) but a lot of the time we had walk ons.

I loved the look of the park, really cute and well themed.

I particularly liked the look of Wiki land and of course the area around RTH is absolutely flipping gorgeous!

We took drinks and snacks with us and just had a portion of fries each. The fries were €3.99 each.

Parking was €15.

All the staff spoke English.

There were quite a few groups of teenagers who seemed keen to chat to us and started conversations. I couldn’t quite get over how polite, friendly and generally nice they were. No chavs! And of course their English was amazing.

The famous minging green water was green and minging. My daughter said there was a noticeable odour around the park. I have a rubbish sense of smell and couldn’t smell it.


We did Heidi first. This one surprised me. I wasn’t expecting much really after reading some reviews, but I thought it was great. Now I’m a proper Wickerman fan girl, (I love that ride so much) and I also really liked Grand National, so I obviously have a bit of a thing for Woodies. The morning was a bit drizzley so the track was wet. It was great fun. Almost as good as Wickerman, not quite but almost.

Next we did The Dragon. It was what we expected.

Next up, the famous Ride to Happiness. First of all, the theming. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.

The general area, the queue line, the station, the trains, all beautiful.

First couple of rides, I admit, I was a teen teeny bit underwhelmed. I was expecting all out bonkers, intense, full on assault to the senses and it was good but not crazy. But then…for the rest of the day it was just nuts. Absolutely flipping nuts!

The most bonkers thing for me was the airtime. I guess it’s my first experience of proper airtime. It literally feels like it’s trying to yeet you off in whatever direction you happen to be facing, upwards, sideways, upside down but backwards. I had no idea what was going on half the time. It feels like it’s trying to kill you, but all you can do is laugh.

Launching (a lot of the time backwards) for someone who’s a bit sensitive to launches, was a bit of an experience.

The hang time, sometimes in odd spots where you’re not expecting it.

So yes, I did get that bonkers, intense, full on assault, experience. The general response to it by most riders seemed to be hysterical laughter or massive smiles. However, at one point we came into the break run facing backwards and the two kids on the train behind us were full on unconscious for a good few seconds. I wonder if they got back on it?

Daughter rode it 18 times in all. I think I did about 10. I could not lap this thing, it’s too much (I’m an older girl). The most I could do was 2 goes in a row, then I’d have to go off and have a little break and a little think about my choices in life.

Anubis. I did not like Anubis. I’d heard mostly good things, I’d heard it was smooth. Strangely I found it horrible and painful. Strange because I’m one of them weirdo’s who doesn’t find Saw painful. Give me Saw any day. And that launch, No! did not like. The top hat also tries to yeet you into the stratosphere.

Did it twice, god knows why?

(It also stole my daughters glasses. She’s worn glasses on a strap for Zadra, Hyperion, Smiler, Nemesis and never had a problem. Took them off for Anubis and put them in the storage. We got off the ride, grabbed our bags and coats and went outside at which point she realised she didn’t have them. Ran back up and they had completely disappeared. We went back several times during the day and went to the information place several times but they never showed up?

Poor thing is extremely short sighted which lead to a day of me pointing at theming and saying “oh look at that” and her just sighing and reminding me that she was practically blind. Oops.)

#Like me. Once and done but quite fun. You get very very close to the track above you and some supports in places.

K3 roller skater was shut.

Super splash. Not much to it but I’m counting it as a cred since K3 was shut. (I went to get 6 creds and I’m having those 6 creds, thank you very much). The water looked manky.

We also did the DinoSplash log flume which was ok and The big wave disko.

We’d pretty much done everything we wanted to do by 1pm so spent the afternoon riding RTH with breaks to ride Heidi a few more times and occasional missions to Anubis and information office hoping someone had handed the lost glasses in.

We left about half 5 which gave us plenty of time to get us to Calais for for our train back on the Tunnel at 8.18pm.

By the time we got on the Channel tunnel we’d hit a weird level of tiredness and maybe overstimulation where we just found everything absolutely hilarious. It was like we were drunk. I was glad we decided to stay the night in Folkestone and only had a short drive after we got off the tunnel.

All in all, we had a great day. I’m not sure where Ride To Happiness sits in my list. It’s very good but at the moment Zadra is still my number one. (So far the only non Uk parks I’ve done are Energylandia and Plopsa).
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